The start of insanity

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Y/n's povI woke up the peaceful sounds of metal being torn apart and ships being scrapped

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Y/n's pov
I woke up the peaceful sounds of metal being torn apart and ships being scrapped. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then I went downstairs to find mom look ing into the fridge and cursing that we're low on food.

M/n: "Dammit we're gonna have to go to the Marketplace for more food"Y/n: "mom are we low again"M/n: *sighs* "yes we are low, and we're going to the marketplace to got more"Y/n: "ok"

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M/n: "Dammit we're gonna have to go to the Marketplace for more food"
Y/n: "mom are we low again"
M/n: *sighs* "yes we are low, and we're going to the marketplace to got more"
Y/n: "ok"

30 minutes later

We are at the marketplace and we are almost done with our shopping list.
M/n: "now where are the those meilooruns"
We walked around until we found the Meilooruns.
Shopkeeper: "that'll be 16 credits"
Y/n: *Visible Confusion*
M/n: "apologies for my sons, he still has a lot to learn"
Shopkeeper: "none taken, anyways don't have a good day have a great day"
M/n: "thank you"
We then left the shop only for me to bump into an inquisitor.
???: "please watch where your going next time" I looked up and saw that it was the second sister

???: "please watch where your going next time" I looked up and saw that it was the second sister

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My mom looked at her with fear evident on her face and I sat there with confusion on my face.
M/n: *in fear* "please don't hurt him and me"
Second Sister: "no hard feelings" she then walked away. My mom looked shocked and frightened at the same time.
Y/n: *Visible Confusion*
???'s pov
I watched from the rooftop as the Inquisitor peacefully walking away from a child and his frightened mother that bumped into them with zero anger
???: "this child is interesting and he is visibly confused, I have a bad feeling about this inquisitor. I must protect the child even if it's from himself"

12 hours later

Y/n's pov
Me and mom just got back home and it's dark out . Moms in the living room watching political propaganda and I'm in mine sleeping. Someone knocks on the door and my mom answers it was an imperial officer with some stormtroopers
Officer: "good evening ma'am"
M/n: "how can I help you"
Officer: we have received word that a Jedi fugitive is hiding in this area. For your own safety you and your child will have to be moved to separate locations"
M/n: *sighs* "if it's for the glory of empire then fine"
Officer: "thank you for your cooperation. Our troopers will move you to Coursaunt for the time being"
M/n: "and my son?"
Officer: "Fortress Inquisitorus, in the Mustafar system it's all I'm allowed to say"
M/n: "may I ask under who's orders"

 Our troopers will move you to Coursaunt for the time being"M/n: "and my son?"Officer: "Fortress Inquisitorus, in the Mustafar system it's all I'm allowed to say"M/n: "may I ask under who's orders"

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Sec Sister: "under my orders" my mom looked at her with fear
M/n: "yes yes of course"
???'s pov
Their moving them separately, which is good for me but bad for the child.
???: "if I have any chance at saving y/n it'll be now" I snuck into the child's bedroom quietly, then I heard quiet snores coming from his bed it's and adorable sight. Rescue first fangirl later. I slowly but quietly picked him up to not disturb him. I then quickly and quietly made my escape. Just when I stood on the roof 2 imperial stormtroopers walked into the room
TK- 263: "the child's not here"
TK-767: "do we report that"
TK-263: "yes it's our job to do so"
TK-767: "I think your missing my point"
TK-263: "excuse me"
TK-767: "We're Stormtroopers we miss everything"
TK-263: "just report it"
TK-767: *sighs* "The child is gone repeat, the child is gone"
I then sensed that purge troopers on their way here. I then diligently made my way to my ship in docking bay 94 when I get spotted on the landing ramp

(What the ship looks like and yes it's indeed Anakin's Twilight)Tk-066: "HEY, FREEZE JEDI" kriff I've been spotted oh well at least I'm on the ship

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(What the ship looks like and yes it's indeed Anakin's Twilight)
Tk-066: "HEY, FREEZE JEDI" kriff I've been spotted oh well at least I'm on the ship. I quickly went into the ship and closed the ramp so they can't get in I then powered on the engines

(Only the first ten seconds)
Kriff why won't the ship power on. I tried again only to be met with the same result.
???: "Third times the charm" I tried the third time and it worked the third time. The engines heated up and more stormtroopers arrived with death troopers. But they are too late, I then guided the ship out of the spaceport into space. I set course for Felucia and then I quickly made the jump too lightspeed before anything else can be done.
Y/n's pov
I woke up from sleeping but then I realized
Y/n: "Wait a Minute How Did This Happen I'm Smarter Than This"
???: *giggles* "Apparently Not" I looked at the strange cloaked figure with caution
Y/n: "who...... who are you"
???: "Ahsoka" *takes of cloak*

Ahsoka: "My name is Ahsoka Tano"Y/n: *Visible Confusion* I looked at the stranger in confusion what's a tanoAhsoka: "I can sense and see your confusion" Y/n: "

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Ahsoka: "My name is Ahsoka Tano"
Y/n: *Visible Confusion* I looked at the stranger in confusion what's a tano
Ahsoka: "I can sense and see your confusion"
Y/n: "..........."

Thats all for now folks

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