What's a force

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Ahsoka: "I can sense and see your confusion"
Y/n: "..........." how, I understand seeing confusion but sensing it, that's impossible.
Ahsoka: "I'll explain it but do you know what the force is ?"
Y/n: "the force?"
Ahsoka: *sighs* "this is gonna be a long explanation

One Long Explanation Later

( to sum it all up it's went something like this but it's just Yoda explaining the Force)
Ahsoka pov
Ahsoka: "And that's how to force works" I said to a now sleeping child. I quietly giggled at the sight before I put the child to bed (reality can be whatever i want. AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME) and walked into the cockpit and pulled the ship out of hyperspace. I then guided the ship into the Felucia forests. The ramp came down and I was greeted by the welcoming committee.

 The ramp came down and I was greeted by the welcoming committee

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Felucian Warrior

Felucian Warrior

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Felucian Farmer

Felucian Farmer: "come, she has been expecting you"
Ahsoka: " hold on let me grab something first"
Felucian Farmer: "ok" I went back inside the ship to grab the child out of the bed and I walked back down the ramp.
Ahsoka: "ok I'm ready"
Felucian Warrior: *nods* I followed them to the camp they set up with the child in my arms when we got there, she was waiting for me.

Shaak Ti: "Hello Ahsoka"Ahsoka: "Hey Master Ti"Shaak Ti: "please no more formalities, we are past the war, that we lost" I grimaced after hearing that and thought back before The Jedi Purge or Order 66 for all of you diehard Star Wars Fans

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Shaak Ti: "Hello Ahsoka"
Ahsoka: "Hey Master Ti"
Shaak Ti: "please no more formalities, we are past the war, that we lost" I grimaced after hearing that and thought back before The Jedi Purge or Order 66 for all of you diehard Star Wars Fans.
Shaak Ti: "Anyways who's the child in your arms" i immediately snapped back to reality and that's when I realized, I never learned the child's name
Ahsoka: "uhh I have no idea to be honest" then some groans can be heard and the child finally woke up and looked at .
Y/n: "Who Are You, Where's Reznov"
Ahsoka: *Surprised Pikachu Face*
Shaak Ti: *Visible Confusion*
Maxav12022: "GODDAMMIT, CUT"
*Take 2*
Y/n: "Who Are You, and Where am I?"
Shaak Ti: "I'm Shaak Ti and welcome to Felucia"
Y/n: "I don't get it"
Shaak Ti: "Felucia is the name of a planet which is this planet"
Y/n: "oh"
Shaak Ti: "What is your name young one"
Y/n: "Y/n, Y/n L/n"
Shaak Ti: "Nice to meet you Y/n" suddenly smoke started rising from the ground, everyone blacked out. When I woke up after the smoke clears y/n was gone and I know who did it

Time skip to Dathimor

Time skip to Dathimor

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M. Talzan pov
After five years of patience and preparation Y/n is mine, I've been watching him from my viewing orb. I know everthing about him: what he likes and dislikes, his favorite food, and his preferred form of entertainment other then playing with toys, and that form of entertainment is Cartoons. Now all I have to do is wait for Assjj to come back with My Precious~ I've been guiding and teaching Nightsisters to replicate the things that happens in Cartoons. A Nightsister materialized from flames
Ns#1: "Mother, our scouts have reported that Assjj has just landed with the sleeping child in her arms.
M. Talzan: "Good..... Good..... inform Merrin to come to me"
Ns#1: "Yes Mother Talzan" she then disappeared in flames ten seconds later Merrin appeared in her place.

 inform Merrin to come to me"Ns#1: "Yes Mother Talzan" she then disappeared in flames ten seconds later Merrin appeared in her place

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Merrin: "you wanted to see me mother"
M. Talzan: "Yes Merrin, I have a task for you"
Merrin: "What is it you ask of me Mother"
M.Talzan: "I'm placing the Child Y/n in your care when he arrives"
Merrin: "I will not fail you Mother"
M. Talzan: "Good......Good...... Now go and prepare his room"
Merrin: "Yes Mother" she then disappeared into flames.
M. Talzan: " Soon Y/n you will be mine permanently

(Her laugh)

That's all For Now Folks

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