Rescue on Kashyyyk (Saving Y/n: Part 5)

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Ahsoka's pov
We came out of hyperspace on the opposite side of the planet and no ships are there so I guided the ship to ground near a Wookiee village. They were led by Tarfful, and guided us to Luminara, well they had sewed her into an abstract quilt, are now stitching her apart by the seems, as the female Wookiee were doing that, Tarfful and Chewie lead us to an imperial base where 1/3 Jocasta Nu's locations is being held. Now all we need is a distraction. Tarfful radioed the Rebels on this planet, and signaled them. Saw engaged the Stormtroopers stationed here on Kashyyyk. As we made our way towards the intel room, we all sensed a powerful force user nearby that was on the Dark side.
Ahsoka: "You guys go ahead, I'll handle this" everyone nodded and went on to the intel room. As I got closer, I heard lightsaber slashing a human body, blaster's firing, someone force choking other people, screams, and metal and objects clattering all around. When I got to the room I saw an The same Inquisitor from Chapter one killing Saw's men.
Ahsoka: "So Your the Inquisitor, I saw on Bracca"
???: "Ahsoka Tano, Your One Hard To Kill Jedi, You have many Qualities, many dislike"
Ahsoka: "I Have Master Skywalkers stubbornness"
???: "You Also Have Kenobi's Arrogance"
Ahsoka: "Thank God, That His Arrogance is a Good Thing"
Ahsoka: "Before we fight, May I at least know your name"
???: "I am the Second Sister and also your doom" before we could even take out our lightsabers, i sensed danger heading towards me fast, so i backfliped out of the way, It was another Inquisitor.
Sec Sister: "You stepped out of line again Third Sister, Excuse me for a moment Tano" the Second Sister went and jumped on the platform to deal with the Third Sister. The others except for Bo Katan told me telepathically through the force that they got 1/2 information from the imperial database here, I quickly and quietly force dashed out of the room and back to them. The Girls were running from Purge Troopers leading the Stormtrooper charge, three Stormtroopers ran up to one of Saw's Rebels and attacked him, the first restrained him, the second one forced his mouth open while the third shoved his blaster barrel into the guys mouth and fired, instantly killing him and thank god Y/n's not here (Here's the first look at stormtrooper brutality, are you guys happy now).

Tk-767's pov
Me, Tk-263, and Tk-066 were assigned here as punishment for letting the Jedi get away back on Bracca, so we were just standing guard at the Intel Room when a Red Togaruta, a Blue Twe'lik, and a Mandalorian came rushing out off the Comms room with Tk-066 chasing after them, but he fell, so we helped him up and chased after them. We chased them into and active battle between our troops and the rebel scum, since we're in the battle we might as well as get involved, Tk-066 restrained a rebel, Tk-263 forced the guys mouth open, and I shoved my blaster barrel in his mouth and then I fired, instantly killing him, 066 and 263 let go of him and the dead rebel dropped onto the floor. The female intruders were long gone by now.

Ahsoka's pov
After escaping that refinery, we made our way back to the Wookiee villages and the female Wookiee's had just finished stitching Luminara back together she was woodsy and had no memory from order 66 to now so her mind was blank during that, the Wookiees explained that they had patched her up but to avoid the empire finding her healing and finishing the job they wove her into and abstract quilt to keep her safe and it worked. So they released her to us and told us that we needed to help her catch up on everything that happened in the last five years. So I hugged Chewbacca goodbye.
Ahsoka: "it was nice seeing you again Chewbacca, I hope our paths cross again"
Chewbacca: *translated* "As Do I, Ahsoka" so we quickly then made our way back to the Twilight, I then piloted the ship in orbit then into hyperspace, then I put the ship on auto pilot and went into the back of the ship. As I walked in Shaak Ti and Aayla were catching Luminara up on everything she missed.
Luminara: "So Shaak Ti hide on Felucia with natives"
Shaak Ti: "Yep"
Luminara: "And Aayla's been chewing gum for 5 years"
Aayla: "yep and it felt so good to be nothing, but I'm sad that it ended"
Luminara: "I swear, most of you Twe'liks are the horniest and most kinkiest species in the whole Galaxy."
Shaak Ti: "Amen"
Ahsoka: "Luminara, do you know where Jocasta is" Luminara said no words but rather pulled her cuff collar out and pulled out a white, nougat, and dark nougat colored mat and handed it to me.
Luminara: "She's right here"
Ahsoka: "Where"
Luminara: "Your Holding her" immediately flung the librarian across the room in disgust, a wet plap sound was heard as she hit the wall

That's all for now folks,


Happy 31st Anniversary Sonic,

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