Saving Y/n: Part 3

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(Continuing from Ahsoka's pov in part one, also part two happened just after Y/n's "saving" on Bracca)
Ahsoka pov
Ahsoka: "FLAT!?!?!!" How is this possible, this is definitely the work of a nightsister, which means Ventress.
Ahsoka: "Great now I'm a living pin up girl poster" but when I get Y/n back, I'm going to snuggle him with every millimeter of my flattened body......... why did I just think off that
Doctor: *Visible Confusion*
Ahsoka: "never mind doctor" thank god I didn't say that outloud.
Shaak Ti: "well good morning sunshine" well good morning to you too, Flat Ti. And she just frowned at me.
Doctor: "Well Miss Tano, in order to find out whether your in perfect condition or not we need to run some tests on you and Miss Ti, is that ok?"
Ahsoka: "the sooner the better"
Doctor: "alright"

*19 hours later*

Ahsoka pov
That was the longest check up I've ever had and I don't even want to talk about.
Doctor: "Ok Miss Tano, your in good health now, but because of your Paper thin condition, you have to stay here until you've regained all of your mass goodnight" i cant wait that long so since I'm strapped down to the bed I used the force to bring over my holoprojecter and I contacted an old friend

Bo Katan pov
I was at my sisters memorial when my holo projecter went off. I stepped outside off my sisters memorial house and answered it, it was Ahsoka.
Bo Katan: "Hello Ahsoka, your looking a little flat today"
Ahsoka: "really this is no time for jokes Katan"
Bo Katan: "Ok Ok in all seriousness, what do you need from me"
Ahsoka: "just come to Felucia alone, me and Shaak Ti just want to talk to you, for different reasons"
Bo Katan: "This is not a social call right"
Ahsoka: "never was"
Bo Katan: "Ok I'll be there soon"

*timeskip to Felucia, getting directions from the locals to where Ahsoka is, and getting her and Shaak Ti's room number*

Bo Katan pov
After making my way to Ahsoka's room, I knocked on the door and a nurse answered it.
Nurse: "Ma'am visiting hours are over"
Bo Katan: "I don't care"
Nurse: "Ma'am-"
Bo Katan: "No, you will let me in or I will use you as chewing gum, am I clear"
Nurse: "P-P-Perfectly C-Clear Ma'a-am"
Bo Katan: "oh and one more thing, if your ever, ever tell anyone about this, I will hunt you down, squish you, and use you as cushion for my ass, is that understood?" The nurse just nodded and ran out so fast, she ran into the wall and was flattened paper thin. I peeled her off and rolled her up and pulled out the cuff of my armors protective clothing, only revealing to me my Bare Chest that's big enough to turn heads from every man in the galaxy and my ass shares the same mass, depth, width, and length as my breasts, and stuffed her in between them. Thank god female mandalorians are aloud to wear women undergarments and the flat and rolled up nurse is being held in between my boobs and my bra. I then let go and everything was back to their original place. I walked inside and shut their door. I walked over to them and took off my helmet, revealing my neatly brushed and cuts ginger hair.
Bo Katan: "alright what do you two want"
Ahsoka: "for me, a Child named Y/n that I "saved" from following down a dark path like his mother did and was recently taken from my by Nightsisters a couple of days ago"
Bo Katan: "alright, and you Shaak Ti, I presume"
Shaak Ti: "a friend off mine that went missing on this planet during order 66. The last time I heard from her she was pursuing the Seperatists through the Mushroom and Tenticale like jungle north from here"
Bo Katan: "Alright and what's in it for me?"
Ahsoka: "one too cute to resist kid"
Bo Katan: *Visible Confusion*
Ahsoka: "I'll show you, Shaak Ti?" They both get out pictures of their respective people they wanted me to get.

 The last time I heard from her she was pursuing the Seperatists through the Mushroom and Tenticale like jungle north from here"Bo Katan: "Alright and what's in it for me?"Ahsoka: "one too cute to resist kid"Bo Katan: *Visible Confusion*Ahsoka: "I...

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