The Meeting (Saving Y/n: Part 2)

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(This chapter is canon to this story but I'm taking a break from writing from the hero's perspective, as this chapter is from the villains perspective, not the Nightsisters but rather the Empire)
M/n's pov
I'm on my way to the senate building in an imperial shuttle guarded by the empires finest death troopers. When the shuttle landed and the ramp lowered , I walked down the ramp only to see Motti's, Yularen's, Krennic's, and Tarkin's shuttles parked on the landing platform. Then a Black shuttle with blue highlights landed on the platform. An orchestra and an old man in black and white suits were there, then Ten battalions of Stormtroopers rushed out and then stood at attention before the ramp lowered. I was confused before I then heard an iconic breathing sound of a Certain Sith Lord.

(Play this for the rest of the chapter)
Then the orchestra started playing as He walked down the ramp followed by a battalion of Clone Troopers in blue.

(Just the music that's playing)

But shouldn't there be pure white Stormtroopers or at least bright red royal guards.
M/n: "Lord Vader, you do realize that Clones are so last season"
Vader: "I Do Not Have Time For Your Fashion Critiques, Miss L/n. I am here with the Emperor" he continued to walk away from me after saying that, how rude. The Death trooper squad that rode with me plus a few Stormtroopers, a few Royal Guards, and some clone shock troopers, became my escort. On our way to the meeting room we had to take a detour because part of the hallway that led to the meeting room was blown up, so we had to cut through the laundromat where several giant Laundry droids resided. One looked at me and decided since I was "dirty", I should be cleaned. This droid thought of this because I was wearing all black and dark gray business outfit, plus I had black hair and tan colored skin. The droid then picked me up , and dropped me head first into its head which head two roller moving at high speeds.


After finally making my way to the meeting room because the person leading my escort led me to the laundromat where I got Flattened and washed and dried in the same droid. I walked inside the office to find the others chatting amongst themselves.
Tarkin: "Now that Miss L/n has showed up, all we have to do is wait for the Emperor"
Motti: "Are You Serious, Willhuff"
???: "Patience Motti, Patience" that was the Emperor, we all looked behind us and low and behold, the Emperor stood their with 10 Red Royal Guards, 2 went back outside the office while the rest went to different areas of the room.
Emperor: "Now We shall begin" he went to his chair and sat down while Vader stood next to him.
Krennic: "Emperor, Project Stardust is almost 2/4ths near completion"
Emperor: "Excellent"
Motti: "Once it's complete it will be the ultimate power in the universe"
Vader: "Don't act so surprised when it gets destroyed, Motti"
Motti: "Are you questioning the Emporer's will"
Vader: "No, I am simply questioning your Intelligence" Motti didn't say anything after that.
Yularen: "There are confirmed pockets of rebellion popping up all over the galaxy, even here on Coursaunt.
Yularen: "Not at this rate since the Clone Rebellion on Kamino" everyone felt that, it was unwise of the Kaminoans to do that. But I still don't know why they kept them in business. As far as I know only 3 Battalions remained purely Clone: The Coursaunt Guard, the 212th, and the 501st.
Tagge: "I have a growing concern for the rebellion uprising's across the galaxy, I know there only pockets Yularen, but what will be done about them". I guess I might as well as overwork my employees to make more walkers, speeders, weapons, equipment, and armor then. The Emperor then pushed a button on his desk and a hologram flickered to life revealing an imperial officer on the receiving end.
Officer: "Yes your Majesty"
Emperor: "Bring Miss L/n A Pump For Her To Keep"
Officer: "Yes Your Highness" the hologram flickered off, and a few minutes later the same officer rushed in with a pump in his hands and handed it to me.
Officer: "For You Miss L/n"
M/n: "Thank You"
Officer: "No Problem" then the officer rushed out off the office.
Emperor: "Since we all have duties to fulfill, I hear by call this meeting adjourned, Miss L/n stay here" everyone else stood up and left except for me.
M/n: "Yes your highness"
Emperor: "I heard about your child's recent kidnapping, tell me who did it"
M/n: "According to the troopers on site when the perpetrator took off in a rust bucket, intruder was a Jedi and a Female one at that"
Emperor: "Lord Vader"
Vader: "Yes My Master"
Emperor: "inform the Inquisitors about their next mission"
Vader: "Yes My Master, but the Second, Third, Seventh, and Ninth Sister have a 'Wild' infatuation with the child"
Emperor: "Wild You Say"
Vader: "Yes, to the point where they will kill anyone from even the slightest inconveniences with the boy" the Emperor cracked a grin and then a cackle
Emperor: "this will work to our advantage, as long as this Jedi possess the boy, it will lead to her doom, Guards escort Miss L/n back to her shuttle and carry her and her pump as well" the 8 guards in the room walked over to me and while one grabbed and carried my pump, the second one motioned me to come over to him. I did, the guard handed his staff to a third one, and the same guard started to fold smaller and smaller until I could fit into his pocket underneath his robes. 30 minutes later I hear shuffling until the guard grabbed me and pulled out and letting unfold from gravity. I finally saw light and saw that I was no longer in the office but rather in my own shuttle with my death trooper guards already inside. The first guard handed a Deathtrooper my pump, while the Second one handed my flat and very flappy body, to the next Death Trooper. Once that was done, the guard left the shuttle and walked outside further and further away, back to the Emperor's office as the ramp closed and the ship took off.
M/n: 'Y/n, momma's gonna get you back or there's gonna be hell to pay'

That's all for now folks and let me know how many times Vader spoke in the comments

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