Saving Y/n: Part 1

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M. Talzan pov
Now the everything is ready, the entertainment can begin. I sensed that Assjj has walked inside with Y/n, accompanied by 4 more Nightsisters. When they came over the me with Assjj holding a passed out Y/n, I was pleased with her success.
Assjj: "Mission accomplished Mother, I have brought the child as you requested"
M. Talzan: "Good.....Good..... and what off the others?"
Assjj: "Oh, they'll be flat footed for a while Very Flat footed"
M. Talzan: "Excellent" I then signaled the 4 Nightsisters to help Merrin Prepare Y/n's Room, they then bowed be for teleporting, leaving green ashes behind. Assjj then handed me Y/n, I then started to cradle him with my arms and putting his head on my well endowed chest.
M. Talzan: "Assjj, what do you mean by Very Flat footed"
Assjj: "Paper thin" I then realized what she meant, she used a potion that Merrin once used to comfort her friend at a young age. Nows not the time to reminisce on the past. I then handed Y/n back to Assjj, she immediately understood what I was trying to do. I then teleported all three of us into Y/n's room being prepared by Merrin. Assjj holding Y/n was standing on her feet while I fell from the air and landed on the ground on my Ass the same size as my breasts. Strange the ground around me is solid rock and very hard, but underneath my Ass is very Soft and Squishy. I then stood up and looked down on the imprint my Ass left on the floor.
M. Talzan: "how peculiar, my ass landed on something soft and squishy and yet there's nothing there. And where is Merrin, she better not be slacking off" I then looked at Assjj for answers. She then started to think, after a few minutes she had a look of shock before it was then replaced with her trying not to laugh, using one hand to hold Y/n and the other over her mouth trying to hold the laughter in, but ends up snickering as if she was enjoying but didn't want to be loud.
M. Talzan: "What's so funny Ventress" I was confused why was she snickering when just a minute ago she was shocked.
Assjj: "Turn around Mother" I complied with her request. Judging by the sounds she's making, she's trying even harder not to laugh. When she finally stopped, she removed her hand from her mouth and put her hand on my ass. I blushed a little, and before I could reprimand her, she started tugging on something and eventually she peeled off whatever was stuck to my massive ass. I then turned around and low and behold, Merrin was pancaked under my ass and also was the same shape of the imprint on the floor. I couldn't see her face but her skin was bright red. I looked into her thoughts and saw the she was very very much enjoying this like it's a guilty pleasure. Assjj then handed the Merrin Pancake to me, and I started to try and peel her head free, after a while of me trying, her body pushed outwards like an accordion, giving her back her original height but not her original shape.

(Like this and also Who agrees that Tom and Jerry are the Father's of Slapstick Comedy)I realized that the only way she was going to get her original shape back was by blowing air into her, but since her ass is most likely mushed together and ther...

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(Like this and also Who agrees that Tom and Jerry are the Father's of Slapstick Comedy)
I realized that the only way she was going to get her original shape back was by blowing air into her, but since her ass is most likely mushed together and there aren't any helium tanks on Dathomir, I'll have to blow air into her mouth with mine. I then pried her lips apart to make an opening, then I smashed my lips onto hers, turning her bright red, but I didn't care. I kept blowing more and more air into her body because I casted spells on me that allows me to hold my breath for a eternity and my lung can push out air through my mouth like a tire air hose. After and hour and 30 minutes of doing this, her body was a massive balloon, her limbs and appendages were spherical in shape, her cheeks puffed out and her head was like a giant ball, and her eyes were bulged out like giant Beachballs. I remembered that my lips were still attached to her. I then parted lips from her only to then regret my mistake. The second I did, I was immediately blasted toward the wall and immediately splattered into a white and gray goop while my robes slide and sludged down slowly in the messy goop that is my body and ventress was using the force to hold Merrin from flying everywhere.

Ahsoka's pov
I woke up in a Felucian hospital and I feel light. The doctor saw that I was awake.
Doctor: "ah miss Tano, good morning"
Ahsoka: "how long was I out"
Doctor: "A couple of days"
Ahsoka "and why do I feel light headed"
Doctor: "see for yourself" I then lifted my hand up to the front of my face and what I saw was shock horror.
Ahsoka "No........I'm"

That's all for now folks

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