The Revival: Part 1 (Saving Y/n: Part 6)

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Assjj's pov
After Y/n was asleep, Mother Talzan reformed her body from the goop dripping down from the celling onto the floor, two Nightsisters brought her clothes back to her, and she put them on.
M. Talzan: "Since Y/n is the son of an important imperial director, the empire will be looking for him. If they found out that he is her, then we are vulnerable against them"
Assjj: "What if we had our own army"
M. Talzan: "the last time we had an army, they failed to protect us"
Assjj: "I'm not talking about the dead, what about the Seperatist's Droid Army"
M. Talzan: "then last time they were on our soil, they nearly wiped us out"
Assjj: "They were decommissioned after Emperor Palpatine executed Order 66, which means that the factories on Geonosis are shutdown, and the Geonosians are enslaved, force to use resources for building their top secret project"
M. Talzan: "ah yes, Project Stardust, or as they're secretly calling it, The Death Star"
Assjj: "if we can liberate the Geonosians, they will be happy to help us"
M. Talzan: "alright, I'm sending 10 Nightsisters to go with you, now go and bring us our droid army, but before you go Assjj, I have a big concern"
Assjj: "Yes Mother Talzan"
M.Talzan: "Where will we get our ships from" all we have is a cargo ship"
Assjj: "I will salvage what's left of the navy ships from Bracca" Mother Talzan just nodded at me, then I walked outside where ten Nightsisters were waiting for me, all ten of them were skilled with bows, magic, piloting, and skilled in combat with melee weapons.
Assjj: "Are You Gals Ready"
Everyone: "Yes Assjj Ventress"
Assjj: "Alright get in the cockpit, we're heading to Geonosis" they nodded and teleported to the cockpit, I walked inside the cargo bay, when I was inside, the doors closed behind me, then I walked inside the cockpit where I saw four manning the guns, two at the shields, two, manning the repair's, and two at the two co pilot seats. I sat down at the main pilots seat, before I powered on the ship, flew it out of Dathomir, punched in the coordinates to Geonosis, and jumped into hyperspace, when I pulled us out of hyperspace, there were imperial ships blockading the planet, then all ten of the Nightsisters used their magic to cloak the ship, allowing me to guide the ship in near one of Geonosis's main factories, only two existed, one was kept hidden off of Seperatist records, and the second one was destroyed by Skywalker in round two of the Republics invasion of Geonosis, when I landed a garrison of 100 stormtroopers plus four AT-AT's and two AT-ST's surrounded by Battle Droid wreckage were trying to get inside, we got outside and started blasting them, and slicing them up, then the walkers were incinerated by fire magic, once the garrison was dead, I opened the door with the force, and 300 Geonosians were surprised by me appearing before them alive.
Geonosian#1: (Translation: "Commander Ventress, Y-Your alive")
Assjj: "Yes Im alive clearly"
Geonosian#1: (Translation: "we're very thankful for you saving us, what can we do for you")
Assjj: "Can you build us an army"
Geonosian#1: (Translation: "Yes we can and we even had the blueprints for the ships that the Trade Federation, Pammant Docks, and Free Dax Volunteer Engineering Corpssent us, which was why the Empire was trying to get in, we only had 100 B1's to spare, before we had to shut down, so they remained inactive until now")
Assjj: "Do what you can, I want the whole engineering half of this planet to be free from the empire, here's the coordinates to Dathimor, Dathimor and Geonosis are to be protected by maximum security, a priority one if you will and I will try and salvage what's left of the C.I.S ships from Bracca" I handed the Geonosian Dathomirs coordinates nodded at me, and he looked at his buddies, then all of them run off to get the factory up and running, then I heard metallic clanking coming closer towards me, followed by mechanical but somehow helium induced voices, then 100 battle droid stood before us, 5 Commander BattleDroids, 45 Security BattleDroids, and 50 Regular Battledroids.
Assjj: "Your creators have been informed of my plans for the droid army, follow me"
Battle Droids: "Yes Mistress" then we walked outside to my ship, once we all go inside with the droids in the cargo hold, I took off for Bracca after jumping into Hyperspace.
Assjj: "Once The Droid Army is fully functional, and we have our Navy, You will be once of the most protected child's in the galaxy Y/n~"

That's all for now folks and sorry for not uploading a story related chapter in like a month

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