Saving Y/n: Part 4

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Ahsoka's pov
After checking out of the hospital, we made our way to my ship the Twilight, that I used to co-own with my master Anakin Skywalker who's been dead since order 66. I took off and guided to ship into Hyper space.
Bo Katan: "If anyone needs me I'm taking a shower in the refresher because I smell really, really bad"
Everyone: "ok" Katan left for the refresher, she then got in because we all heard her armor clatter on the ground and the water running.
Ahsoka: "ok so how are we going to get Y/n back"
Aayla: "Wait who's Y/n"

*Hours of Explaining the previous five chapters, and formulating a plan later*

Aayla: "Oh That makes everything so much more sense now"
Ahsoka: "now that Aayla's all caught up how are we going to get Y/n back"
Shaak Ti: "Luminara or Jocasta Nu will be able to help"
Ahsoka: "But we don't know where Nu is"
Shaak Ti: "Luminara does"
Ahsoka: "but Kashyyyk is heavily guarded"
Shaak Ti: "Yes but if we approach the planet from the opposite side of the blockade, we'll be fine"
Ahsoka: "alright hang on Y/n, we coming to save you"

Trilla's pov
I'm still mad over losing Y/n to a Jedi, and Lord Vader is forcing us to help L/n get her son Y/n back, I don't care what happens as long as we get him. So right now we are in the Jedi Temple searching for clues with the Emperor's personal technicians along with Reva opening the holocrons in the Holocron vault. They did find something extremely rare. A purple holocron, randomly flashing blue and or red and it was spherical. Reva opened the holocron and let the technician do their magic. She walked back to us,
Reva: "so all of this effort for a child"
Trilla: "not just any child, literally the most adorable one in the entire galaxy"
Reva: "I still don't get it, and instead we should be concentrating on finding Kenobi"
Trilla: "Kenobi is long gone by now, even if he wasn't dead I'm still not going to hunt him, and Y/n is much more important to me then an Old Depressed Man. So Shut up or else I'll force you to shove your face in between my ass cheeks, forcing you to inhale my musk Am I Clear?" She was frozen in place and in fear because she knows that's my punishment for her, humiliation over nearly killing her. A technician run up to us.
Technician#1: "Sister's your gonna want to see this" we then followed them to the vault, where the purple holocron was hooked up to a holotable. Once they activated the holotable, the only information that the purple holocron had was years of information dating back to the old republic during the sith empires rule.
Technician#1: "this is disturbing, and what's even worse is that this information is linked to an event that happened during the sith empires rule when this information was created"
Trilla: "what was the event called"
Technician: "Never had an official name, it did involve, a race of mostly bald witches named the Nightsisters migrating from their home planet Dathomir to other planets and conquering them, using the hypnotized males as sperm donors, the females as their own personal playthings or using them as objects and clothing, and the children as hypnotized slaves. Eventually the Jedi order at the time sent an army mainly consistent of females to settle this, 8950 female Jedi went missing during this conflict. And after the Republic won that conflict, they freed the planet population from the Nightsisters control and sent them back to Dathomir, 49 more female Jedi went missing over the course of ten year after the conflict, a former Jedi Grand Master named Bastila Shan was the final and lastest victim to disapper a week after she retired from the order"
Trilla: "Ladies let's go"
Technician: "wait where are you guys going and what about this information"
Trilla: "We're going to Dathomir, send that information and anything on the Nightsisters to my office computer"
Technician#1: "Yes Ma'am" we then quickly left the temple using force speed and got to our ships, and left for Dathomir.
Trilla: 'don't fear Y/n, we are coming and when we find you, we will use the witches as slaves and the Jedi as objects'

That's all for now folks

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