Strike First

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Demetri, Eli, and you are at lunch just talking about random stuff. But then some kid was walking towards you three.

Kid: Is it cool if I sit here?

Demetri: Ooh, sorry, the table is blowing up right now. I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest.

You and Eli snicker.

Kid: Okay.

Demetri: No, I'm kidding. Sit.

Kid: I'm Miguel.

Demetri: Demetri. This is Eli. He's a man of few words.

Y/N: I'm, Y/N.

After introducing yourselves the rich girls start to walk past you guys.

Miguel is eyeballing them.

Demetri: Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls.

Miguel: Do you ever talk to them or...?

Demetri: Oh, yeah, all the time. We hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Y/N gets them over at his house all the time. Isn't that right? Talk to them? You realize what table you're sitting at, right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college.

Eli: Oh, shit, Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me.

Y/N: Eli don't think like that.

Miguel: I don't think she's making fun of you. I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean.

Y/N: You've got a lot to learn.

Demetri: I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all of you just to get her to spit in my face.

Y/N: I'm not one to enjoy being spit in the face. But, I'd be willing to do anything in the world, just to have a conversation with, Nicole.

 But, I'd be willing to do anything in the world, just to have a conversation with, Nicole

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Miguel: Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her.

Demetri: True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression. The last thing I need to be is suicidal.

Just then Miguel stands up and walks towards the hot girls.

Demetri: What are you doing?

Miguel: Striking first.

Y/N: Oh, shit.

Demetri: I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel.

Before Miguel could make some bullies get them.

Demetri: So how'd it go?

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