All In

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Sensei Lawrence and Sensei Kreese are sparring in the middle of the mat.

Johnny: Okay, pay attention. He's got my neck, I've got his elbow. If I try to break out...

Kreese: I dig in and I put him to sleep.

Johnny: If I go for his ribs...

Kreese: He completely exposes his chest.

Johnny: Two difficult choices. What do you do?

Sensei Lawrence knocks down Sensei Kreese with his leg, causing them both to crash to the ground.

Johnny: You damn the consequences and your power forward.

Kreese: You may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing.

Johnny: You make a choice, you make a move, and you go all-in.

After class

You're at a diner with all of Cobra Kai, Moon, and Nicole. You and Nicole are sitting at a table eating.

Y/N: So I was thinking we could go on a date today.

Nicole: Really where?

Y/N: I'll have to think.

Eli walks up to you.

Eli: Y/N, did you see this?

Y/N: See what?

Eli shows you something on Yelp.

Eli: Something you should see.

Y/N: "Very unprofessional sensei. Does not take into account safety or personal boundaries. The facility needs a major face-lift."

Eli: Demetri wrote it.

Y/N: Okay.

Eli: We need to do something about it.

Y/N: Why?

Eli: He wrote a bad review on Cobra Kai.

Y/N: I would do the same thing if some old guy gave me a bloody nose.

Eli: Fine, I'll deal with it.

Y/N: Don't do something stupid, Eli. I'll get us some more of these wings.

After you put in an order for new wings you go to Miguel.

Miguel: Hey Y/N, what's up?

Y/N: I'm going to take Nicole on a date somewhere. Any suggestions?

Miguel: Sensei suggested going to Golf N' Stuff for my first day with Sam. It was fun.

Y/N: Alright. Thanks, Miguel.

At Golf N' Stuff

You and Nicole play ski-ball, basketball, foosball, Mario Kart, and mini-bowing.

Y/N: Want to do some mini golf?

Nicole: Sure. But, I've never mini-golfed.

Y/N: Then I guess, I'll have to teach you.

As you walk to mini-golf you walk past a punch tester.

Y/N: Oh hold on. I've always wanted to test my punch strength.

Nicole: Go ahead.

You punch the bag and the score keeps rising and rising.


Nicole: Wow, nice job.

Y/N: How about you give it a go?

Nicole: Sure why not?

Nicole punches the bag and the score keeps rising.


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