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Eli: Did you catch that video I sent you of last year's Sekai Taikai?

Miguel: Who knew people could kick that high?

Robby: Or that hard.

Y/N: Seriously.

Sam: That's why it's the biggest competition in the world.

Eli: Last year's winners did a car commercial in Taiwan.

Mitch: Imagine being in a commercial. What would you do with all that money?

Chris: Buy a yacht with a hot tub. Fill it up with Smarties and hotties.

Daniel: All right, all right. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Remember, Cobra Kai is gonna do everything they can to get a spot. And if they win this time, kids all over the world are gonna have to deal with the same crap you guys have gone through.

Sam: But if we win, we can show the world how to stop them.

Chozen: First you must prove you can compete with best.

Johnny: To do that, you have to be better than the best. Which is why we're gonna kick your asses into high gear.

Daniel: Sensei Lawrence, Sensei Toguchi and I are gonna get you ready for the presentation. Come on. Let's get warmed up.

Johnny: Go! Move those asses.

Everyone splits up.

You, Anthony, and Robby go together and start doing the Miyagi-Do breathing.

Robby: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Huh?

He points to Sensei Lawrence and Miguel.

Robby: Watch this, my dad is gonna freak out.

You and Robby walk over to them.

Robby: How sweet. Is this what fatherly advice sounds like?

Johnny: Come on, we're just talking.

Robby: Relax. I'm messing with you.

You laugh.

Johnny: I'm glad you ironed out your shit.

Sensei Lawrence turns to you.

Johnny: What about you both and Hawk? Are you all cool?

Y/N: Yeah, we are.

Robby: We all apologized.

Johnny: Good. With you four on the same team, we have a shot. What do you say? Are you ready to show the world who's boss?

The next day

Multiple organizers from the Sekai Taikai are at Miyagi-Do.

Daniel: Our students start with basic movements. We use chores to create muscle memory.

Anthony and Bert are sanding the floor.

Daniel: Once they have that down, they can master their defense.

Chozen: Show me sand the floor!

Sensei Cozen kicks towards Chris and Mitch. They block the kicks using the sand the floor method.

Daniel: Only after they master their defense, do we teach offense.

Johnny: But with a badass twist. Show them the screaming eagle. Ready? Iyah!

Miguel: Ais!

You, Eli, Robby, and Miguel pump your fists forwards, do a jump kick, punch forward and back, and go into stance.

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