Long, Long Way From Home

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You turn on the TV.

Silver: Karate is more than a sport.

Y/N: Of course.

Silver: Within every punch and kick lies centuries of tradition. It has a rich past.

On the TV is a Cobra Kai ad.

Silver: And now we want you to become part of its future. Welcome to Cobra Kai. While our martial arts date back hundreds of years, our dojo is committed to providing state-of-the-art training. But a dojo is more than mats and machines. It's about the students. At Cobra Kai, we transform kids into champions. We are proud to be the home of the first female All-Valley Tournament champion, Tory Nichols. At Cobra Kai, we believe anyone can be a winner. All you need is the right teacher.

Cobra's: Yes, Sensei!

Silver: You can be one of our students. Sign up now at our new flagship dojo in Encino, with more locations opening soon. It's a new era at Cobra Kai. Come join us.

Cobra's: Yes, Sensei!

The ad ends with a Cobra Kai logo.

Y/N: I hate this guy.

You turn off the TV and get ready to drive to Miyagi-Do.

At Miyagi-Do

Daniel: Everyone, gather around. It's great to see you all back here. You know, we had one goal going into the All Valley. Beat Cobra Kai. We walked away with a first-place trophy thanks to Eli.

The Miyagi-Do's clap for Eli.

Y/N: Woo!

Daniel: As far as the rest of the tournament, well, it just didn't go our way. We said we'd close our dojo if we lost. And... that's what we're going to do. As of today, I am shutting down Miyagi-Do Karate.

You look around, in shock.

You and Sam: What?

Eli: Wait. Mr. LaRusso...

Daniel: I know that's not what you were hoping to hear, but with everything going on at Cobra Kai, continuing to operate Miyagi-Do only leaves a target on your back. Guys, I have to keep you safe, okay? Just remember what you've learned. This dojo may be closing, but Miyagi-Do lives inside each and every one of you still.

Demetri: Great. Guess I'm getting a summer job.

Everyone but Sam and Mr. LaRusso leave.

Eli: Well, this shit sucks.

Y/N: Yeah. But, I understand.

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