Fire and Ice

1.5K 30 1

You, Eli, Demetri, Nicole, and Moon are at the beach.

Demetri: Mulligan, send it back.

Y/N: There are no mulligans in volleyball.

Demetri: Says you. Water break.

Girl: "Cobra Kai"? You guys won that karate tournament, right? The All Valley. The Rumble in Reseda?

Demetri: Yes, uh, we, uh. We certainly did.

Girl: Cool. We're gonna go for a swim, but maybe play with you later?

Demetri: Most def. Uh, that means "most definitely."

Moon: Look at you, player.

Eli: It'd be nice if you earned the Cobra Kai credit you're so happy to take. When are you ever
gonna sign up?

Demetri: I don't know. I'm kind of enjoying the gain without the pain.

Miguel: Y/N, Hawk.

Y/N: Hey, there's the man.

Miguel: What's up?

Miguel is still mopping

Eli: No. No more of this. Look, it's a beautiful day out, the beach is packed with babes. No more sulking about Sam.

Miguel: I'm not sulking about Sam. It's about Sensei.

Eli: Is this about his rap sheet? My parents read it online. I think it makes him more badass.

Miguel: It's about him and Robby Keene.

Y/N: What about him and Keene?

Miguel: I think Robby might be Sensei's son.

Y/N: What?

The next day at the dojo

Y/N: So, I did a deep dive online, and you were right. Sensei is Keene's father.

Miguel: I just don't understand, why he wouldn't tell us.

Eli: I don't know. But it explains why he's giving us shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament. Show no mercy, unless it's his son. Then we gotta be pussies.

Aisha: You guys, have you seen the commercial? Sam's dad started his dojo and he disses Cobra Kai.

After you watched the commercial

Y/N: It's one thing not liking someone or someplace, and promoting a business. But to disrespect, a dojo isn't right.

Sensei Lawrence starts to film a commercial.

Johnny: There's a lot of talk going around the Valley
about free karate. But everyone knows that in life,
you get what you pay for. You wanna kick the competition? Aits!!

You are holding a Bonsai Tree and then Sensei Lawrence kicks it and it smashes, sending dirt in your face.

Johnny: Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshit. What you need is bone-crunching, face-smashing, good ol' American karate. Enough about self-defense. Learn self-offense! Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai, and let me teach you the way of the fist.

Aisha: And cut.

Y/N: Thank god, that was gross.

You spit dirt out of your mouth and wipe it all off and head back to your spot.

Johnny: All right, did we get it?

Aisha: I think so.

Johnny: All right, great. Just make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end, all right? I want it to pop. Make it chrome. And throw Thunderstruck under it.

Aisha: I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much.

Johnny: No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car. Oh. And put one of those hash browns at the end. You know, like, "Hash brown, Team Cobra Kai" or something. And then send it to the Internet!

Y/N: He knows it's a hashtag right?

You, Eli, and Miguel walk to the back of the dojo following Sensei Lawrence.

Miguel: Sensei, can we talk to you about something?

Johnny: Look, if it's about the infomercial, I know.

Y/N: It's not about the commercial.

Eli: It's about Robby Keene.

Johnny: What about him?

Miguel: I saw his picture on your refrigerator. I wasn't snooping, but we know he's your son.

Eli: That's why you got mad at me and Miguel after the tournament, right?

Johnny: Is that what you think? Yeah, Robby's my son, but that has nothing to do with how I run my dojo. It's also none of your damn business, do you understand?

Y/N /Eli/Miguel: Yes, Sensei.

Miguel: But, Sensei, I...

Johnny: "But" nothing. Get out. You three clean mats for the rest of the week.

Later that night at Valley Fest

Miguel texted you to come to the Valley Fest.

Y/N: So why are we here?

Johnny: LaRusso is showing off his karate. So we're gonna crash it and show what Cobra Kai is all about!

Y/N: Don't you think that's kind of disrespectful?

Kreese: It might be, but we need to show that Cobra Kai is the best dojo all around.

Johnny: Mr. Kreese is right. Now put on your black gi's.

A few minutes later

Johnny: Alright it's time. Go.

Miguel: Cobra Kai!

Cobra Kai's: Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!

You and the rest of Cobra Kai arrive on the stage.

Cobra Kai's: Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Hiyah!!

All of you do the same move in coordination and at the end, you all do a jumping front kick.

Johnny: Cobras show them what real karate looks like!

All of you start fighting each other. You take down Mitch and three others. Eli takes you down, and then Miguel takes everyone else down.

The crowd cheers. Aisha breaks three wooden boards. Eli brings Demetri on stage and makes him hold a board, Eli runs at you and you lift him causing him to go in the air, spin around twice, and kick the board down.

After that, all of you throw Cobra Kai merchandise at the crowd.

Sensei Lawrence goes up to the stage and has stone bricks stacked on each other.

Johnny: Cobra's light it up.

You and Chris set the stone bricks on fire.

Sensei Lawrence breaks all of the stone bricks with a punch. Everyone goes on stage and soaks at the moment.

Crowd: Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!

Miguel: You did it, Sensei.

Johnny: No, we did it.

Crowd: Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!

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