Downward Spiral

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You, Miguel, and Eli have arrived at a water park.

Eli: Moon should be around here somewhere.

You see her.

Y/N: Over there.

As the three of you walk over Eli notices someone.

Eli: Ah shit.

Miguel: What?

Eli: Sam's here. I'm sorry Miguel I didn't know.

Miguel: It's fine, we're still friends.

Y/N: Okay.

Eli: Hey, babe!

The three of you arrive at Moon, Sam, and Yasmine's chairs.

Eli: Hey. What's up?

Moon: Hi.

Miguel: Um... Uh, hey, how are you doing, Sam?

Sam: Hey. I'm, uh, yeah. I mean, I'm... I'm good. Good. And how about you?

Miguel: I'm cool. I'm good. Yeah. Uh, is anyone...

Miguel gestures to a chair next to her.

Sam: Yeah. I mean... I mean, no, but... I... Yeah, you can... You can go ahead.

Miguel: All right.

Sam: Sure. It's...

Yasmine: Am I alive? Or did I die of embarrassment and this is my hell?

You sit on a chair next to Yasmine.

Yasmine: So, where's Demetri?

Y/N: He's working. He got a job at TachTown I believe. Demetri has a client he had to get to.

Yasmine: Oh.

Y/N: Where's Nicole?

Yasmine: Around here somewhere.

As Yasmine finishes, someone puts their hands over your eyes.

You tense up thinking it's someone from Cobra Kai.

Nicole: Guess who?

You realize it's Nicole and you calm down.

Y/N: Beauty?

Nicole: Close.

Nicole keeps her hands over your eyes and transfers on top of you.

She moves her hands to show you her outfit.

Y/N: Well I'm definitely not wrong, you are indeed beauty

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Y/N: Well I'm definitely not wrong, you are indeed beauty.

She giggles and kisses you.

Yasmine: Are you two going to get a room?

Y/N: That sounds like a great idea.

Nicole gets up and takes your hand.

Y/N: What are we gonna do?

Nicole: You know.

Y/N: I didn't bring one.

Nicole: Oh...

Y/N: We could just make out.

Nicole: Ok!

You two go to a secluded area.

Ten minutes later.

Nicole is on your lap.

???: What the hell!

A few seconds later a chant starts.

???: Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters!

Y/N: We should see what's happening.

You get up and run to the commotion.

Kenny Payne is swinging at Eli and lands a punch.

You charge at Kenny.

Nicole: Be careful, Y/N!

Kenny goes for a kick but Eli grabs his leg and elbows the back of it, and you push him back.

Then Robby comes over and pushes you and Eli into the pool.

Miguel: Hey! Watch yourself.

Robby: You wanna go?

A whistle blows

Lifeguard: Hey. Everybody get out and leave the park immediately. I mean it. Everybody out. Now.

Miguel helps Eli out of the pool, and Eli helps you out.

In the parking lot.

Miguel: Hey. Do you guys know where Sam went?

Moon: Oh, she split on her own. She didn't want anything to do with this drama.

Miguel: Yeah, neither did I.

Miguel looks in a separate direction.

Miguel: Uh, go ahead. I'll catch up.

Y/N: Okay.

Eli: So where we're you two?

Eli gestures at you and Nicole.

You look at him with a smirk.

Eli: Never mind, I don't want to know.

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