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Another day of school and you're in the cafeteria with Eli, Demetri, and Miguel.

Councilor Blatt: Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity.

Student: The kid right there! The kid with the weird lip.

Y/N: Don't listen to them, Eli.

Councilor Blatt: But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students.

Miguel: You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits.

Demetri: Yeah, right, you hear that, Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass.

Miguel: I'm serious, Demetri, all right? My sensei's the real deal, and I'm sure I could get you all discounts.

Demetri: As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face.

Y/N: I don't know Demetri we might as well try it out. I mean who knows they might try to fight us, at least one of us needs to know something.

Demetri: Yeah, that's why Miguel's here.

Y/N: He might not be here someday, and I'm here every day. Miguel, I'll see you at the karate place where's it at?

Miguel: That's great! It's in the Reseda strip mall, called Cobra Kai.

Y/N: Badass name for a karate place.

Miguel: It's called a dojo.

Councilor Blatt: Oh, and one last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "sexy nurse," maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee."

At the Cobra Kai dojo

Y/N: Hey Miguel.

Miguel: Hey.

Y/N: So, is this place closed today or what?

After you say that, a nice, but beat up car parks.

Homeless-looking dude: Who's this kid?

Y/N: Hi, I'm, Y/N L/N.

You hold your hand out.

He doesn't shake it.

Y/N: Okay. I was wondering if I could join your dojo.

Miguel: You told me to be here at five right?

Homeless-looking dude: Yeah, but today's training's canceled.

Miguel: What? Why?

Homeless-looking dude: Because I said so.

The Sensei unlocks the door and enter.

Miguel follows from behind and you hesitantly follow.

Y/N: What's his name?

Miguel: Johnny Lawrence.

They enter the office room.

You then enter.

Miguel: Wait, Sensei Lawrence, there's something that I wanna show you.

Johnny: Look, I'm not in the mood.

Miguel: But, I think you'll like it.

He takes out his laptop and sets it down.

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