Bad Eggs

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Eli: So, you and Sam back in the dojo. Game on, right?

Miguel: Yeah, game on for karate.

Eli: Come on. I see you staring at her.

Demetri: I thought you decided to keep things platonic?

Y/N: Yeah, well, she did.

Eli: He didn't.

Demetri: Well, uh, you know what they say, "Put a box of matches near some fireworks, soon enough..."

Demetri makes an explosion noise.

Demetri: "Sparks will fly."

Miguel: Is that what they say?

Demetri: Something tells me it's about to be the Fourth of July.

You look over and see Robby Keene.

Y/N: I can't believe that piece of shit's on our team.

Miguel: All right. Relax. Okay? He wants exactly what we want. Gonna be okay.

There's a whistle.

Chozen: Line up!

Sam: So where are my dad and Johnny?

Chozen: Not here. Today, you train with me. Chūi!

You all look confused.

Chozen: Attention.

Everyone stands up straight.

Chozen: Yumi!

Everyone looks around confused again.

Chozen: Bow.

You all bow.

Chozen: Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare.

Mitch: This is gonna be badass. Check out that throwing knife.

Chozen: Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina.

Chris: What is that? Like, some top-secret karate move? Like a throat rip?

Chris slides his finger across his throat, imitating cutting his throat.

Chozen: No. It is bird. In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly.

Demetri: Hence, endangered.

Y/N: So these are the real eggs?

Chozen: No. Trader Joe's. $3.29. Take egg.

Everyone takes an egg.

Sam: So what do we do with them?

Chozen: Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg. From Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. You must do same. Begin your preparation.

Robby: What are we protecting them from?

Chozen: From me.

Sensei Chozen brings out a pair of sais and starts yelling.

Chozen: Go!

Eight minutes later

Eli: Look at him trying to move in on her. If you want, I'll kick his ass.

Y/N: I'll gladly join in.

Miguel: No, you guys don't need to do that. Robby and I are cool now. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're just, uh, catching up.

Sensei Chozen whistles.

Demetri: Looks like the Hunger Games have begun. Luckily, I have eggs-ecuted the perfect plan. When I win, everyone will have egg on their face. They'll be shell-shocked. The yolk will...

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