Nature vs Nurture

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At the dojo

Kreese: Life isn't always fair. Sometimes the world can be cruel. And that's why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves. Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle. But you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?

Cobra Kai's: Yes, Sensei!

Kreese: I can't hear you!

Cobra Kai's: Yes, Sensei!!

After Karate class

Kreese: Class. You worked hard today. So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for ya. I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine.

Sensei Kreese reveals a rat.

Bert: Cool. What's its name?

Kreese: I don't know. What should it be?

Eli: Hawk Junior.

Kreese: Bert, what do you think?

Bert: Um... Clarence?

Kreese: Clarence. Good. Here, take him.

Sensei Kreese gives Bert Clarence.

Bert: He's so cute, guys.

Kreese: It's almost lunchtime.

Bert: Ooh, can I feed him?

Kreese: No. But you can feed him.

Sensei Kreese pulls off a sheet to reveal a snake.

Bert: Uh...

Y/N: What the hell?

Bert: What does he like to eat?

Kreese: He likes to eat... Clarence. It's ok. Come on. Come on. C'mon. There you go.

Sensei Kreese lifts the hatch so Bert could put Clarence in the snake pen.

Bert: I can't.

Kreese: It's ok. I understand. Clarence is your friend. It's okay to object. Who else objects?

A low amount of the class rais their hands.

Kreese: You're off the team. Get out!

Bert: But...

Kreese: I said out! Get!

Sensei Kreese puts Clarence into the pen.

You and Eli go into Sensei Kreese's office.

Kreese: Are you sad to see your little friends go?

Eli: Uh... No, Sensei.

Kreese: Go on. You can speak freely.

Y/N: Is this the right time to make cuts? We're already down students after the school fight.

Kreese: This is addition by subtraction. A true cobra feels no sympathy for its meals. Got a problem with that?

Y/N / Eli: No, Sensei.

Kreese: Good.

Eli: We just don't understand the plan. With Miyagi-Do shutting down, we might get recruits.

Kreese: But we will. In due time. First, we'll need to strengthen our core. With Diaz out, we're gonna need a new champion. Someone with no fear. And no mercy.

You walk out of the dojo and get in your truck.

Carmen(Text): Miguel's awake!

Y/N(Text): On my way.

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