Cobra Kai Never Dies

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You and Sensei Lawrence arrive at Miguel's house. You bang on the door for Miguel's mom to answer.

Cameron: Mi Hijo! I don't want you ever come near my son again, do you understand me?

Johnny: I'm sorry. I should never have gotten involved.

Miguel: No! Cobra Kai never dies.

Y/N: What do we do now?

Johnny: You go home and never go back to the dojo.

Y/N: But why? All Miguel and I need is more training.

Johnny: You weren't even there you scurried away.

Y/N: Well I went to find you.

Johnny: If you were there...

Y/N: I could've been a lot like Miguel or worse.

Johnny: Just go home, Y/N.

Y/N: Yes, Sensei.

The next day at school

Demetri: So that's it? No more karate?

Miguel: I guess so.

Demetri: It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence.

Miguel: Isn't that a good thing?

Demetri: No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack was thrown in the trash?

Eli: Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler.

Demetri: Are you insane? Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?

Miguel: Super strength.

Demetri: Wrong.

Y/N: Enhanced healing.

Demetri: Maybe but, Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast.

Kyler: Run away from who?

Brucks: Whom. It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class...

Miguel: We were just leaving.

Kyler: Hey, where are you going?

Kyler grabs Eli.

Kyler: Oh, look at this freak. What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?

Y/N: Kyler just leaves him alone.

Kyler: What'd you say? Get the hell out of here, man.

The next day

Miguel(Text): Y/N, head over to the dojo.

Y/N(Text): Why?

Miguel(Text): My mom's letting me train again.

Y/N(Text): That's great! I'll be there.

At the dojo

You arrive at the dojo

Miguel: Ready?

Y/N: Never better.

You and Miguel head inside the dojo.

Miguel: My mom says I can train again.

Johnny: She did?

Miguel: Yeah. I mean, if we still have the dojo.

Johnny: We do for now. All right, but I need to know, are you two ready to take things to the next level?

Y/N and Miguel: Yes, Sensei.

Johnny: Diaz You got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defense, so I'm gonna teach you two the best defense that you can know. And the best defense. Hait!

Sensei Lawrence quickly throws up his fist.

Johnny: Is more offense.

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