Chapter 25: Final Chapter.

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The next week at school, included everyone acting like Beyonce just fell off a plane and landed in everyone's territory..

I didn't think being famous came with so many side effects.

Immediately when I walked into the school, everyone stared.

I ignored the stairs and the camera flashes of everyone pretending I can't see them take pics and videos of me.

I find at my locker a handsome guy, holding a red rose and wearing the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"Buongiorno amore mio." Paul speaks in an Italian accent.

""Buongiorno amore mio." I repond blushing furiously.

He lifts me up, kissing me furiously.
Every kiss shared is like we're meeting for the first time.

"I missed you." He tells me.

"You just saw me yesterday Paul." I tell him, although I am delighted that he can't go on a day without me.

"I barely spoke to you because I was busy making sure Jeffrey's dog was fitting in." He says.

My parents and my little brother have sadly developed an obsession with him.

"I don't know what you're giving that little guy but I sure am jealous!"

He places my hand in his, walking me to my wonderful class.

"Not as jealous as I get that their all starring at my girlfriend like she's food."

I grin. "The feeling is mutual."

Student's ask for our autographs and pictures and we arrive at class after a million years.

Paul however continues to show them that we are just as normal but I guess being in this stage, has a different spect on anyone.

When everyone is seated, Hazel and Elaina enters the class.

They don't look at anyone which is so odd

Hazel drops her pen and it lands at my feet.

I pick it up kindly, offering it back to her sweetly.

"T-thanks." She says much to my shock.
"You're welcome."

"I love you so much Jess. You nailed it in the movie." Elaina says.

"Uhh, t-thanks."

"Same." Hazel says.

They have grown kinda and weird over the weekend but I accept politely.

"Thanks guys."

"You and Paul are definitely the it."

Soon everyone is trying to express how they feel about us.

It's weird but nice.

From being no one to finally being someone.

I smile at Paul.
He's smiling at me with the same knowing smile.

This is the end of my story.
"I hope you enjoyed it.

Off to other books. Bye 😌!

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