✎Chapter One✎

47 7 1

Akaashi Pov

Finally, a relaxing day. It's nice to have had ten full hours of sleep, I feel refreshed. To top it off, my mom came over and brought me breakfast which was my favorite.

And now I am at the bank, dressed comfortably and waiting for the person in front of me to go so that I can get my pay.

Everything's going well. It seems too good to be true but then again, good things do happen sometimes.

"Next." The woman spoke and I walked up as the guy in front of me left.

"Here to check an account? Make a new one-oh Keiji-kun?"

"Oh, Yachi-san, hello. I didn't realize you worked here."

"Ah yeah I just started working here last week, the pay is really good, and doing this type of stuff is easy for me." She smiled.

She looked different but not by much. She was taller, I'm assuming based on how she is on her seat, her features look more mature and she has a certain aura to her, something like confidence surrounds her.

I remember when she used to be a mumbling mess.

"It's nice to see a friendly face around here,"

"Oh right! You're here for something um what was it?" She fumbled.

I chuckled and told her what I came for which she quickly did.

"Thank you Yachi-san,"

"Anytime Keiji-kun!"

Waving bye to her, I made my way to the exit when suddenly an alert went off.

The glass walls by the entrance shattered as a black van came crashing in. In shock, I stood frozen in place, just seeing it all go down but I was quickly moved away as someone grabbed me. The van missed me by an inch.

"Everyone down!" A group charged out of the van with guns, all dressed in black but had some white on their outfits.

"Are you okay?" Someone whispered to me, the person who had grabbed me. It made me shudder and I tried to turn around to see them but they moved and stood before I could.

It was a guy, dressed the same as the people who charged in from the van.

But why did he help me?

Also, I knew this day was too good to be true.

"Give me all your money before I kill you!" One of the men shouted, pointing a gun at one of the workers.

Oh no, where's Yachi??

Right as I thought about where she was, she popped out from behind her desk and unclipped her hair. Letting it fall into wavy strands. She giggled and smirked as they tossed a gun at her.


"C'mon boys we don't have much time before the cops arrive."

She really was different now. What had happened?

Staying down, I peeked over to where the security guard was but he was knocked out on the floor. When did-how did that-what even happened??

The cameras seemed to be turned off since they were facing down and the usual red lights were off.

That group is smart or has someone smart in it to have disabled the cameras. But even so, they're still disabled, they are still wearing masks, well most of them except Yachi.

Do I know who any of those people are? I can't really tell, I was never one to be in a big group of friends.

I preferred to be alone or to just have one to two friends. Probably because I didn't like attention unless it was from my mother.

Sirens were heard and some of them cursed, peeking over, the cop cars weren't far down the street.

"Yachi hurry up!"

Maybe if I just try and record, it can help the cops. Pulling out my phone as quietly as possible, I brought it to my chest and started recording.

Cops engulfed the building on the outside and pointed their guns.

"Come out of the building, we can make a deal!" One of the cops had said.

The group began murmuring to each other and pointed to the back.

I was never one for attention nor for wanting to be in others' problems but here goes nothing. Let's just hope I don't die.

"They're escaping through the back!" I screamed and one of the guys from the group rushed over to me.

I'm doomed.



A/N: Depending on my mood, the chapters will vary from 800-1000+ most likely. I only did this chapter shorter to get into it. Thank you for reading, please make sure to eat and stay hydrated.

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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