✎Chapter Ten✎

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Akaashi Pov

"Agaashi kiss kiss..." Bokuto groaned and I blinked repeatedly, realizing I had my face pressed to his chest.

"Bokuto-san, I have to use the bathroom,"

"Kiss kiss," he mumbled.

Kiss?? Does he mean to say that if I kiss him, then he'll let me go?

"Bokuto-san if I give you a kiss then will you let me use the bathroom?"

He nodded and still held me tight.

Can't believe I'm about to do this. When even was the last time that I kissed someone?

Peeking up, I tried to kiss his cheek and he swiftly turned his head, eyes still closed as if he had been asleep and his lips met mine.

They're so smooth-Keiji get a hold of yourself!

About to pull away, he still held me and opened his eyes, staring right at mine, his lips still pressed to mine.

This is so awkward!!! At least fucking close your eyes!!!

He pulled away and let go of me, rolling away on the bed and seeming to fall back asleep.

What the heck just happened??

Shrugging it off, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, careful to not wake him up.

I just kissed my kidnapper! Holy fuck! What in the fuckity fuck fuck!?!?

Once I reached the bathroom and did my business, I splashed my face with water repeatedly.

I'm probably just dreaming. This all has to be some shady dream. I mean his lips were soft and plum and I would definitely kiss him aga-NO!

No! I would not kiss him again! I hardly even know the dude! Well I mean he's sweet and kinda smart and his name is Bokuto but that's all I seem to know.

Knock knock!

"Uh yes?"

"I'm going to go take the recording to the guy now. Whatever you do, do not try to escape because I will know and I won't be able to protect you anymore if they find out."


"Last thing, eat anything you want and do anything you want in here, the phone is also free if you want to talk to your mom but say one wrong thing and you won't be the only one hurting. I'm leaving now,"

His footsteps faded away and I gripped the shirt I was wearing, making my way out of the bathroom and back into the room.

The phone was laying there on the desk.

Grabbing it, I dialed her number and sat on the bed, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked.

Her voice still sounds sweet and comforting...

"Hi mom, it's me, Keiji,"

"Oh! Keiji, baby, how have you been? Are you having fun on your vacation right now?"


'Say one wrong thing and you won't be the only one hurting'

"I'm good mom and I've been having lots of fun for once actually,"

"Oo tell me about it, I want to hear more about this," her tone seemed a little intrigued.

"Bokuto-san got me some art materials and he's been painting with me, we also went to the mall together to buy some clothes,"

"That boy sounds so sweet! Oh Keiji let me see your art, it's been a while since I last saw you do any,"


"About that, the paintings got ruined by the neighbor's dogs so I'll try to make you some new art soon. Anyways, how have you been?"

"Me? I've been good too and even better now that I'm hearing your voice,"

It's sad...


"Yeah, mom?"

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

My breath hitched. Does she know I'm lying?? She's always been good at telling when I was, well most of the time she was able to tell.

"I know mom, thanks,"

She hummed. "So is there any action happening between you and Bokuto-san?"

"What-? Oh! Ew! No, never! He's just um...a friend-" my kidnapper actually. "yeah, he's just a friend,"

"Mhm, that's what they all say,"

I could just feel her smirking on the other side of the line and I chuckled.

I miss her so much...

Third Pov.

"How did he react afterwards?" he asked, clutching the recording in his hand after watching it to make sure it was real.

"He passed out right after and he was in extreme shock once he woke up,"


Bokuto nodded.

"Now, I know I said that was the last task but I have one more final task for you to do,"

"What is it?"

"Your final task is to..." he smirked after he whispered it into his ear.

His eyes widened in shock.



A/N: Daily reminder to y'all to stay hydrated and to eat a meal. Even a snack would do good. And make sure to get in a good amount of sleep! Til next time :p

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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