✎Chapter Four✎

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Akaashi Pov

The next day, I was in a room with my hands still tied but they were tied to a chain that can make me walk a little further since it was adjusted into the walls.

This place truly seemed like a regular home. From the outside, it was a light blue color with a white-painted roof, short cut grass, and a small fence that was so short I wouldn't even consider it a fence.

Inside, it looked nice and somewhat soothing to be in. A little empty but still nice. The walls were a shade lighter than the outside.

The room I was being held in had soft colored walls, the floor was a light brown wood, a window with a white curtain but had metal bars over it, a full-body mirror, and a closet which was locked so I'm not sure what that held inside.

And then finally the bed. It looked straight out of Minecraft except the sheets were blue. But it was comfortable. More comfortable than the cement floor I had been on.


Startled, I flinched and backed up into the wall as Bo rushed in.

He looks...like a giant kid. With his blue pajamas and goofy grin. Is this the same guy from yesterday? Am I seeing things?

"Do you want to shower? And then help me make food to eat?"

Is he playing with me? Is this some kind of sick joke? I wouldn't even be surprised if it was.

"Agaashi? Is that silence a no or-?"

But if it isn't a joke then I might as well try and accept it.


He unlocked the chains but kept my hands bound together and led me to the kitchen. The room wasn't far from it. Not even did he bother to blindfold me so I can see which door leads to what place. Wasn't he supposed to take me to shower first though? 

"Agaashi, what's your favorite food?"

Is he trying to get to know me or truly asking me about the food for right now? I guess answering a simple question wouldn't hurt. 

"My favorite food is onigiri rice balls." 

He grinned.

"I know someone who likes them too! Heck, he even owns a shop just for that!" 

Ehem, if I manage to escape, I want to go to that shop for personal reasons...

Back to the game, this guy seems excited and he isn't treating me like a hostage. Except for the fact that my hands are tied together. But in the kitchen, if he lets me help then maybe I can hide a knife from him and cut the rope before running out for help.

"I was thinking that maybe we should eat Yoshoku, something yummy! You know what, since you're a new friend of mine, I'll make the food and you just sit and wait, okay Agaashi?"

Quietly, I nodded. 

Why the fuck would he consider me a 'friend'? He doesn't know me and I don't know him that way either so of course, we aren't. Hell, I wouldn't even consider him an acquaintance! 

"Bo, please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about who you are or what you and those men did," Though they are probably on the media, maybe. 

He stood by the stove as I was sat down on one of the chairs at the kitchen table, watching him move around and about. 

"As much as I'd love to let you go..." A brief silenced passed between us. As if that silence held something, held a meaning that I couldn't figure out. "...I can't and I am really sorry for that Akaashi." 

He pronounced my name right again and it made me shiver. I was mostly stuck on why he said it though and correctly for that fact. There was definitely something in that. 

After that, we both said nothing and I would watch him cook until the food was ready. The silence felt suffocating which it shouldn't have but it did. 

Why can't I go home? That's all I ever really ask for...is it too much to wish for? 

"Here you go Agaashi," He set two plates down in front of me on the table before coming and kneeling in front of me.

What's he gonna do?

"I'm going to untie the rope but please, do not try and run, or else I won't be able to help you from them,"

Inwardly I scoffed. How funny Bo, you're part of them. And fuck you I'm dashing for the door.

As soon as he untied them and moved away, I pushed him so that he could fall and I made a run for the door.

He can't keep me here forever!

Lucky for me the door was close by–not lucky me it's fucking locked!?!? And from the outside?!?!


"I told you Akaashi, now you'll have to pay the consequences of trying to run away again," My body shivered once again.

Someone save me...


A/N: Thank you for reading once again, please make sure to eat and stay hydrated you beautiful/handsome person! <𝟛

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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