✎Chapter Two✎

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Akaashi Pov

Groaning from the aching in my head, I blinked wearily, looking around.

Trying to sit up, I grunted as I fell back. Great, my hands are tied behind my back! Fantastic!

"Look alive boys, he's awake!" Someone said and a small light was positioned in front of me.

Wincing from the brightness, I looked away.

"He's a pretty boy!"

Where am I? Oh right, probably somewhere in their hideout getting ready to be killed, maybe.

Before I could still process what was happening, all I felt was myself being pulled up from behind.

"Take the tape off of his mouth." Someone ordered and the tape on my mouth was harshly removed.

I didn't even realize that I had tape on my mouth. Probably because I'm focusing on staying calm.

"Now, answer these questions we have for you and if you don't, then you'll be killed‐ow you don't need to hit me–ehem–as I was saying, answer the questions."

Slowly, I nodded, still trying to shake off the haziness in my mind.

One of the men sat down in front of me, their lower faces still covered by a mask.

"For each question, we know that you say wrong, you'll get hit. Now question one, what's your full name?"

"...Kaji Akun,"

Before I could register it, I was smacked across the face.

"Incorrect. Try again."

If I tell them my real name, they can find my mom and other stuff since they seem smart. Based on the way the cameras had been disabled and so on.

"...Keiji...Keiji Akini..."

Again, I smacked across the face and I winced.

"Incorrect again. Your name is Keiji Akaashi. Don't think you can fool us now. Question two, how old are you?"

My age doesn't matter, does it? Unless I'm being sent to one of those black markets–

"Age now."


Now that my mind was less foggy and more clear, I realized that I was in a small dark room with four other people. One sitting in front of me, two standing next to each other by the corner where the door was at and one was standing behind me since the presence was close.

"Good now question three. Are you a cop?"


The one in front of me nodded at the other two.

"Why did you try to record us?"

I shrugged.


The end of the chair I had been put on was kicked at the bottom and I landed on my side, gasping harshly since it had knocked the air out of me.

"Honestly we were just messing around. We know your name, all of your family members, where you live, where you work at and so on. We just wanted to see how honest you would be." The guy who sat in front of me stood up and walked to the door.

Then the other two followed.

"Call Yachi and tell her to fix him up something to eat." They spoke and that was what I managed to hear.

Once they were all gone, I sat up and looked around. Searching for anything that would help me escape from this place.

But to escape I need my hands untied. If there is something sharp around here, I can use it to cut through them.

Keys! My car keys! Oh...I'm not wearing my clothes from that day. Well fuck!

I'm simply in black basketball shorts and a red loose shirt. There's nothing on this clothing to help me though.

Think Keiji think–the broken piece of the chair!

If it's sharp enough it'll work and if it's not then I will have to sharpen it somehow. There's not much time since I did hear them say Yachi would bring me food.

Would she help me escape though? No, if she would've then I wouldn't be in this room in the first place. I could've just stayed knocked out on the floor of the bank.

Lucky me I wasn't tied to the chair, only my hands and feet are tied. All I need to do is move closer and get that broken piece.

Glancing at the door, I scooted closer to the chair, feeling all over for that one piece.

After a few seconds, I got it and felt a small prick. Lucky again, it's sharp.

Keeping my gaze on the door, I focused my hands on the piece, moving it up and down to untie it.

It took longer than expected but I managed to cut it and let my hands free, quickly moving to my feet to untying them just as the door open.

Quickly moving back, I grabbed the rope and put my hands behind my back, sitting with my back to the wall so no one would notice.

"Keiji-kun, I brought you some food!" Yachi chirped as she walked in holding a plate of who knows what.

She then turned to leave after leaving it on the table.

"Yachi wait!"

Yachi turned around with a curious smile.


"Won't you help me escape?"

She frowned. "I didn't plan for this either but there's nothing I can do about it, bye Keiji-kun..."

I didn't want to have to do this but here goes nothing.

Quickly standing up, I ran over and pushed her, not too harshly to the side, and closed the door, shutting her in. She continuously banged on the door.

Now down these various halls, where do I go?


A/N: Thank you for reading, please make sure to eat and stay hydrated.

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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