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Akaashi Pov

Groaning, I opened my eyes and was met with a light gray ceiling. Looking around, my mom was asleep on a chair by my hospital bed and wow I'm in a hospital.


My mom sprung up and looked at me.

"Oh sweetie you're awake! Does your head hurt? Want me to call a nurse or the doctor??"

"What no I'm fine but what happened?"

She shrugged and patted my head lightly.

"That's what I want to know, some paramedics brought you in after a fireman found you,"

I frowned. "Fireman?"

"Yeah the house you were staying at with your friend had been burning down and you were bleeding out on the street, I'm sorry but they said your friend burned along with the house and it's only you who survived,"

Bokuto is dead? No no that's wrong that's a lie.

"Luckily the doctor said it wasn't that bad of a hit, you just got a cut and a small concussion, you'll just have to refrain from doing much work for now,"

After a while, in silence, I was taken home. My mom stayed by my side the entire time, comforting me and really just being there for me.

During these few nights, I cried myself to sleep when my mom would head to sleep that was.

The next day my mom rushed over to the door as someone had knocked while I washed the dishes.

"Oh, Keiji someone's here to see you! They're from the FBI!"


Mom lead her inside and my eyes widened before I calmed down. I didn't think she was with the FBI. Last we had spoken she said she was with some editors club hmm strange.

"Care to join us for lunch?"

My mom asked her and she smiled, agreeing to stay for lunch.

My mom pushed me towards her and rushed to the kitchen to go serve the food.

"Kanoka Amanai was your name if I remember correctly, right?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes that is correct and you are Keiji Akaashi,"

"Is there a reason for why you're here? And as an FBI person,"

"Yeah I have some stuff to talk to you about but it needs to be spoken in private,"

Looking back to my mom's way, she was still in the kitchen so I grabbed Kanoka's hand and took her to the room, making sure to lock the door too.


She chuckled lightly and pointed to the chair by my desk.

"May I sit?"

"Yeah, make yourself comfortable,"

As she sat on the chair, I sat on my bed. Preparing myself for whatever it was she had to say.

"Remember Koutarou Bokuto?"

I tensed but nodded. "I do know him, what about him?"

"We're both with the FBI and he was assigned a case. The case in which you accidentally got involved in. It was never his intent to hurt you but you helped in helping him succeed. He asked me to give you this,"

She handed me a recording.

"Watch it when you can, I'm not sure what exactly it is but he wanted me to tell you to watch it as soon as possible."

"Where is Bokuto-san? Why couldn't he come here and give it to me himself?"

"Because he is working on a dangerous case. The FBI has been working on this for quite a while and only Bokuto has gotten this close so him leaving or coming to you can put you in danger once again,"


Her phone rang and I stayed silent as she spoke then after a bit she hung up.

"I'm sorry but I will not be able to stay for lunch, please apologize to your mom for me but I have to go,"

She rushed out right after and I sighed before going to tell my mom.

My mom was a little disappointed but still, she had me and we had a nice meal together. We even watched a movie together right after.

Later on, when she went to sleep, I snuck to the living room and put on the recording. Bokuto-san came onto the screen.

"Hi Akaashi, I know you might not want to see me or even hear me but I just wanted to explain. I'm Bokuto Koutaro and I work with the FBI. I have been on this case for about a year now and thanks to you I am on the verge of succeeding. I just want you to know that the FBI and I are very grateful to you and in your debt. Also, I didn't mean anything of what I said, I just had to act the part but to be truthful, I felt many things for you and I truly do love you. I love you so much Akaashi Keiji. I wish we could've been together longer but in a different situation. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you but just know, those words, those horrible words I told you, those were lies. The only true thing was that I love you and I always will. I'm sorry for causing you pain. I love you Akaashi Keiji," he gave a smile at the end.

Covering my mouth to stay quiet, I cried silently.

In the end, he did not break my heart. I am not broken and he did not cause it but more it seems my heart was stolen. Stolen by none other than Bokuto Koutaro.

Stolen Heart...


A/N: The end!!! Was it good or bad? Also, bet ya'll weren't expecting that! Also, your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated! Any other ships yall would like to see me write about?

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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