✎Chapter Fifteen✎

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Akaashi Pov

After the kiss, Bokuto and I cuddled meanwhile we let the paintings dry. Once they were dry, we set them by the wall to someday hang them somewhere.

I've realized that you don't cuddle or kiss your kidnapper unless they force you to but as I see it now, I believe I have feelings for him.

I mean, why else would I let this happen?

"Agaashi it's seven already! Are you ready to go to the neighbor's party?" Bokuto-san shouted from his room.

It's somewhat funny how this all seems normal. Because of this, it doesn't feel like I'm a hostage and like he's the kidnapper.

"Yeah, I'm ready,"

Bokuto-san walked back in a simple suit and I smiled at him to which he grinned back at me. He had a grey dress shirt with a black vest on top and matching black pants. My outfit was almost the same except mine was black and blue.

"You look as beautiful as ever Agaashi,"

I blushed. "And you look handsome,"

"You really think so?" he asked happily with a small blush.

"I know so,"

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!"

Bokuto took hold of my hand and lead me out, locking the door once we were standing outside.

"Agaashi hold this for me,"

Bokuto gave me the invitation and while he continued locking up, I just reread what the paper said over and over again.

"Okay now we can go!" he chirped.

Taking my hand in his again, we walked to the neighbor's house where lights were flashing and music was blasting. Of course with the happy cheering from all other friends and neighbors here and there.

Bokuto rang the doorbell and Lily opened the door, hugging us both and welcoming us in. If I hadn't known that she was married I probably would have snapped her neck-I mean um I might've gotten jealous. Yeah...that...

"Come on in the party is out in the backyard," Lily said.

We followed her until we made it to a glass slide door and she slid it open, letting us go out.

"You two go have fun, I'll meet you out in a bit,"

"Thank you, Lily," Bokuto-san said and I bowed to her with a smile.

The backyard was decorated with white, red, gold, and black balloons. The tables had cloths of those colors as well. The tables were mostly set on the patio area of it. There was a pool further in where some people were hanging at. Lights were set over the place and there a DJ close by, playing some music from people's choosing.

There was a man who looked familiar that was standing by the DJ but I couldn't seem to remember him from anywhere.

"Akaashi wait here." Bokuto-san left before I could say anything which left me in a state of confusion.

His voice had taken on a serious tone which left me wondering many things. Heading over to the table that had food, I went over and began checking out what they had, shortly engaging into a conversation with some random couple that had come over.

Looking back to where Bokuto-san was, he was talking to the man from earlier who had given me a sense of familiarity.

Does Bokuto-san know that guy?

For most of the party, I was actually enjoying myself. Talking with Lily and some of her friends and to her husband as well. More random people would come up to me and start a conversation. Maybe because they thought I was lonely. I mean who wouldn't? I was literally standing alone by the table and just eating food after food.

Seems like Bokuto-san had left me because when we came it was seven and when I asked for the time it was already nine about to be ten. For some reason, I felt upset but did I really have the right to feel that way? Was this maybe his way of letting me go...?

I didn't want him to let me go...

Sighing to myself, I drank a quick cup of water and noticed another guy coming to talk to me but he was alone and smirking as he came over.

"Hey gorgeous what's your name?"

Don't grimace. Don't grimace-

"His name is mine so back off."

Arms wrapped around me and I looked back, seeing Bokuto glaring at the man.

Don't smile. Don't smile.

"Sorry man, I didn't know he was taken,"

The guy walked away and Bokuto pecked my cheek which caused my cheeks to heat up a bit.

"Bokuto-san where did you go?"

"I got called and had to go, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just in a rush and didn't have enough time to tell you,"

"It's alright,"

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, the food was good and I had fun talking with some people here and there,"

"I'm happy you had fun though a little upset that I wasn't able to have fun with you,"

He pouted and I cupped his face and pecked his lips.

"Maybe we can have fun together soon,"

He blushed and smiled. "Really?!"

I nodded, smiling too. "Yes really,"

Wait did I just peck his lips as if he were my boyfriend-?

"Bokuto-san, what are we?"

He frowned and tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"We've kissed and cuddled and we do things together, wouldn't that make us something?"

"Kaashi do you not remember me asking you to be my boyfriend?"

This time I frowned.

"You did?"

He nodded.

"I don't remember..."

"Well then, will you do me the greatest honor ever and be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, Bokuto-san,"

He was frozen for a second before he moved back and did some weird movements with his arms. "HEY HEY HEY!!!"

I laughed, finding it adorable to which he blushed at.

"Let's go home?" he asked, holding my hands now.

"Yeah let's go,"


A/N: Your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated! Also, the surprise is a double update with smthn to come hehehehehe

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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