✎Chapter Seven✎

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Akaashi Pov

After dressing, Bo drove us both to the mall, and now here we are.

Some people kept looking at us and I had no idea as to why until I heard two girls speak about how hot a couple we were.

I almost corrected them but Bo pulled me back.

"Agaashi look at that!" Bo pulled me by the sleeve, pulling me to see something random in some mini store.

"Yes, Bo?"

"You can call me Bokuto, Agaashi,"

"Okay then Bokuto-san," I need to word everything nicely without angering him.

I don't want to get shot in the opposite thigh and I don't think angering him or annoying him in any way would help.

"Mm oh let's go there!"

We came to a certain section of the mall–the food court.

Again, he tugged me by the sleeve as we walked over.

"Hey, Kaashi what do you want to eat? I'll get you anything,"

Anything? Well even if I wanted to accept that-what if he is just testing me??

"I'm fine with anything you choose Bokuto-san,"

He stopped and turned to face me, wearing a pout.

"But I want to buy you what you want,"

But why is that cute??

"I'm fine with anything really,"

He shrugged and pulled my sleeve again, making me walk with him. While he leads us somewhere to buy food, I kept zoning out.

Should I scream for help? No, Bokuto would probably make up a lie.

Snapping back to reality, we were standing in line, waiting for the food to be done and I peeked behind me. It was a woman, she looked young and was on her phone.

Good, she has a phone so therefore she can help me. As Bokuto continued staring straight ahead, I shifted back a little and tapped the girl's shoulder.

She looked around before looking up at me and smiling.


Moving a little closer, she seemed to blush but I ignored that.

"Please call 9-1–"

"Oh? Do you want my number? Sure!"

"No, that's not what I–"

She grabbed my other hand and rolled up my sleeve.

"This will only take a second okay?" She smiled and pulled out a pen from her purse and began writing her phone number on my arm.

Women aren't stupid. They're not and to me, I know they are not but this girl is just ugh!!!

An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I knew it was Bokuto.

"He's taken, lady."

She flushed. "Oh, I'm so sorry I thought he wanted my number..." She awkwardly mumbled before turning on her heel and rushing away.

Well, that backfired greatly!

Bokuto chuckled as he pulled away from me and I shivered.

"I knew you were gonna try that."


"Don't take me for someone stupid, okay? I may seem and act stupid but just because I act that way, it doesn't mean I'm really stupid. Now let's go back, I already got the food."

In his other hand, he held a bag of food and the other was back to holding my sleeve.

I'm going to scream–

"Oh and don't even think of screaming nor running away again. I won't hesitate to give you back to my friends and if I do–they won't just hurt you physically, okay?"

Why do I keep thinking he's not like the others when he's literally saying all this stuff.

Maybe he might be the scariest. Taken he looks nice but is secretly the worst one.

Scream or no scream...? Do I want to die? No. Do I want to live? Yes. Am I gonna scream so I can be killed in the end? Nope, my mouth is shut!

Once we got to the car, we rode to the house in silence. Occasionally I would fiddle with my hands but when I would he would look over and I immediately stopped, thinking it might irritate him.

"Hey Agaashi, you're hands are really pretty,"

What is it with this owl-looking guy? He's scary yet sweet yet scary all over again and adorable!!!??! 

Is this what mom calls 'bipolar'?

"T-Thank you,"

He smiled and continued driving until we got back. Once we did, he lead me back to the kitchen and served me before sitting down.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked, half standing already.

Am I getting tested or what?!?


"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm asking nicely and without any bad intent. Want water, coffee, soda, or juice? I got them all."

"Water is fine, please and thank you,"

He frowned, finally standing up fully.

"You and I both know that you do not want water so let's be honest, what do you really want to drink?"

Damn okay.

"Uh, juice,"

"Apple, orange, fruit punch, mango?"



He nodded and left, coming back with a soda and a cup of orange juice.

Later after we had eaten in awkward silence–which was not me making it awkward by glancing at him every three seconds–he washed the dishes and then I was brought back to the room.

Sleep sounds nice. For now at least.


A/N: Anygays–your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated.

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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