✎Chapter Five✎

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Akaashi Pov (Tw)

I should have listened, I should have listened!!! Why didn't I listen?!!?

Bo didn't hurt me and he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me either! But I just had to ignore what he said and land me in this filthy room, surrounded by some guy who is about to beat me black and blue!

"Stop whimpering, I'm not going to kill you. I'm only going to hurt you a little to make you listen better. Honestly, you should have listened to Bo, he's the softest one out of all of us, he doesn't like to hurt anyone but no you just had to ignore what he said and now you'll have to pay the consequences darling,"

My eyes were filled with tears as I stared at him, afraid of the gun he was holding, aiming it at my stomach.

"Only three strikes you'll have before you're a goner and this is strike one. Prepare yourself,"

Whimpering, I tried to keep in the tears but they were starting to roll down. Who wouldn't be scared in this situation?

Yes, I may have put up facades in the past and still do now in the present but just because I do, doesn't mean I'm not also scared.

I am very scared and of many things.

"Strike one."


Screaming, I held in a sob, trying not to move too much as the bullet had embedded itself in my thigh. Blood dripped out and it hurt so damn much.

"Such a beauty you are and yet you squeal like a pig," The guy scowled and left the room after mumbling something else.

It sounded like he said, "Iwaizumi" but then again who knows.

I was only trying to not focus on the pain but it felt impossible. I've been hurt before but not this badly. Yes, I've gotten beat black and blue but I had already known that would happen unlike now.

Oh god, it hurts too much, I'm feeling dizzy.

And in the end, I passed out.




"Agaashi? Agaashi wakey wakey, I brought you food," Someone whispered and something fresh along with a nice aroma filled me.

"I brought onigiri for you,"

Stirring, still feeling pain, but it felt like it was barely there, I woke up, blinking at the ceiling.

All I remember hearing was my name and onigiri.

"Hey hey, you're okay now, I brought in my doctor to help patch you up and I also brought you food, and um Agaashi I am sorry for not helping you, I should've kept you here with me where you would have been safe and not let them hurt you and I'm so sorry and I–you can hit me all you want, I'm sorry!" He got on the floor and bowed, apologizing profusely as I was barely sitting up.

Why did I feel like comforting and telling him that everything will be okay? Is it because he seems like a kid inside a man's body or...?

"...Bo, it's okay," Wait why am I comforting him?? He's not the one that got hurt here, it was me.

He looked up with his big owl resembling eyes and pout. "Really Kaashi? You're not mad at me?"

He seems to have some sort of effect on me that makes me want to cuddle him and tell him that everything will be alright which he shouldn't!

Does he have that effect on everyone or is it just me?

"Kaashi, want me to feed you?"

I shook my head no and looked over to my thigh which was covered up. My entire lower half was covered by a blanket and it felt warm and cozy. The pain in my thigh was still there though.

I want to go home.

"...Kaashi, you're mad that I wasn't able to help you huh,"

"Huh? What, no I'm not,"

He pouted. "Are you lying to me?"

"Why would I be?"

Even if I had been mad, what would have been the point to it? It wouldn't matter then and it wouldn't matter now.

"Okay then...well here's your food, I'll be in the other room, there's this bell right here, ding it if you need anything please since I don't want you to stand up and hurt yourself," He set a bell down on the stand beside me and the food was already there.

He smiled sadly at me before getting up and leaving me alone in the room.

Would Bo ever hurt me?

Ignoring that thought, I noticed my hands weren't tied, and neither were my feet.

Should I try to escape? There's no way I would make it at this rate. For now, I'll just save my energy and eat the food...it smells heavenly.

Grabbing the food, I put it on the bed, right in front of me, and began eating it with the utensil that was right there.

I'm feeling extra exhausted but I mean, what can I do about it? Nothing. At least not for now I can't.

If I were to ask Bo to help me try and escape after all he said right now, would he? Or would it still be the same as the first time?

I don't think I even want to know.


A/N: Thank you for reading once again and here is your daily reminder to please make sure to eat and stay hydrated ya'll

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎

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