✎Chapter Twelve✎

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Akaashi Pov 

After the food arrived, we ate in awkward silence. Though after a while, it became comfortable. Who knows how but it just did. 

"Agaashi when you're done eating, I have somewhere else I want to take you to," 

"Oh, okay. May I ask where to?"

He grinned and did finger guns at me. "Nope!"

Chuckling quietly, I finished eating right after he did and he left the money on the table before helping me up. "C'mon we can't gotta hurry! I want to see your reaction when you see the place," 

"Alright, Bokuto-san," 

Back in the car, he kept squirming in his seat. He seems more excited than I do. Oh right because he is my kidnapper and I don't know if I trust him still. Do I? Do I not? He hasn't hurt me and he's been kind and generous to me. He hasn't forced me to do anything so maybe I can trust him and I will. 

After a while of being in the car, we came to what seems to be a small forest and he pulled on my shirt, tugging me along. I let him do as he pleased and soon we came to a clearing that had a pond with a bunch of flowers surrounding the area. 

"It's so beautiful Bokuto-san," I spoke, feeling my mouth form into a grin.


Looking back at him, he grinned goofily and shook the camera he had in his hands. First of all, where did he get that camera from, and second of all, did he just take a picture of me?? 

"You're right 'Kaashi, you are beautiful," 

"W-What? I didn't mean that..." I laughed softly and looked away just as I heard the camera click again.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire and I just knew that he was causing me to be this way on purpose.

"So Agaashi want to sit and look at the stars? Then we can go back to my place and go to sleep,"

"Sure Bokuto-san,"

"Give a minute!"

Patiently waiting, I sat on the grass before I realized. He just left. Should I make a run for it? No, his friends will find me. But they wouldn't know-

"Awgashe! I'm back and I have a blanket and a radio for music! I want to do something with you tonight!" Bokuto said as he ran over with a blanket and a radio.

"What do you want to do Bokuto-san?"

He put the blanket down and then put the radio down after turning it on. Little lights sparkled from his phone as he set it down.

"I want to dance with you tonight?"

"I'm sorry what?"

He grinned and walked over to me, taking my hands in his.

"May I have this dance tonight?" his voice held what seemed to be hesitancy, like as if he knew I would say no but still had small hope that I would say yes.

What is going on-

"Yes, you may have this dance Bokuto-san,"

"Yay! Thanks 'Kaashi," he cheered and pulled me closer.

The song was sweet and it seemed to match the moment perfectly because we truly were, dancing under the stars.

I couldn't help but rest my head on his shoulder as he kept his arms wrapped around me. Still, we both swayed in each other's embrace, dancing away to the night.

When did I feel so comfortable around him? So safe and in a weird way...loved...


"Yes, Agaashi?"

"Thank you for tonight," I whispered, unknowingly holding him a little tighter.

"Thank you for coming into my life Keiji,"

I smiled. As sweet as this was, I wanted to cry.

Was it sadness? No, it was from happiness. I don't remember being this happy.

It's funny though because a while ago I was thinking if he would hurt me. My mind is always changing around him. My overthinking happens but then he does sweet things that make me happy.

Should I cry?

Oh- something is going down my cheeks already. I was already crying...

Bokuto pulled away but before he could, I clutched his shirt so he wouldn't move.

"Please, just let me stay like this for a bit," I whispered.

"Anything for you Keiji,"

As the song came to an end, I refused to let go and he simply rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry," he whispered.

"I cried because I was happy. You made me happy Bokuto-san. You somehow always do..."


A/N: Oml I cried because I imagined them doing this to this song and iahsiwheuehe I'm cryingggg also your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated you beautiful/handsome specimens ! Oh and make sure to get some rest as well.

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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