✎ Chapter Seventeen✎

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Akaashi Pov

I giggled, nuzzling my face into Bokuto's neck.

"So that's the story of how my first day of elementary school went," Bokuto hummed.

"That sounded so adorable of you. Say Bokuto-san may I ask about your family?"

He sighed and played with my hand to which I smiled at. We were currently cuddling. After our sexual activity, we cleaned up, showered, and now we're cuddling.

"Well, I have two older sisters and my mom. My mom, she used to put me down all the time. She would call me stupid and always tell me that I would never make it far in life. My sisters helped me get a place because they didn't like how my mom acted towards me. I got a good job and got my own place and now I got you so I proved my mother wrong,"

He kissed me and I smiled into it.

"I just know they're proud of you,"

Getting sleepy, I snuggled into him and fell asleep after a bit, hearing him whisper something. I was able to make it out as "I'm sorry Keiji, I love you,"

When I woke up, I was in shock. Standing in front of me were the group of people on the day of the bank robbery.

Bokuto-san was staring away from me but everyone else seemed to smile and grin happily.

What was going on?

"Our Bokuto, our now newest recruit finally completed his final task." Some bulky-looking man said.

Task? What task?

The guy who had shot my thigh had what seemed to be a voice recording and I frowned more.

The red button turned green and he clicked it which caused an audio to play.

"I know it might be soon but I love you Keiji,"

"I think I love you too,"

My heart clenched and I looked at Bokuto who was still looking away from me and clutching a gun.

"His final task was not to kill you but to make you fall in love and he did a really good job don't you think Akaashi?"

The brunette smirked dauntingly.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I looked at Bokuto again.

"It's not true, right? Bokuto-san?"

He refused to look my way and the tears began to roll down.

"Please tell me that's not true!"

He finally looked over at me, a look in his eyes that just made me know.

"Boys, let's go. Let these two have some time before we burn this whole place down,"

Everyone huddled out and now it was just me and him.


"Stop. It was all a joke Akaashi. I used you to get into the group with them,"

"What..?" I stood up.

"Yeah but now you can leave. I don't need you anymore. You're free to go,"

He used me..?

Grabbing the glass cup from the drawer, I threw it to him but it hit the wall beside him since my eyes were blurry from my tears.

"What the hell were we!? Don't tell me we were just kidnappers and hostages or fuck buddies! This doesn't make sense! If we truly were like that then you wouldn't have done that!" I yelled.

Bokuto smirked and stepped closer. "That's exactly how it was,"

"You said you loved me...you'll be fine without me?"

"I'll be fine without you babe, I've been fine from the beginning."

"You're an asshole."

He stayed silent and I looked at him. His eyes held an emotion, maybe regret? No, I'm just fooling myself.

"I was born from one, now leave and don't ever come looking for me. Or next time I won't hesitate to kill you," he said.

My heart is now broken.

Looking at him in disbelief, I tried to hold back the sob that wanted to escape me.

But he did love me did he not?

"A-At least tell me you felt something for me. Even one thing, at least once. Tell me,"

"...I didn't. Not once."

"You're lying! I know you did! You suck at lying! I know you felt something!"

He grabbed my wrists since I had been hitting his chest repeatedly.

"Look at me. Do I look like I'm lying?"

Bokuto-san forcefully grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"You are."

"No, that's just what you want to think. You fell in love with the idea of love but I was never in love. How could I love you? I don't even like guys like that. I was only trying to complete a task."


"That's right Keiji, I'm straight. I never loved you nor even liked you. I felt so disgusted after having sex with you because I don't like guys and I especially don't like you! Never have and never will! Now stop acting like a weak girl and leave before I kill you here myself."

Feeling myself just go limp in a way, he let go of my hands and I nodded silently before leaving.

The brunette that had shot me was laughing loudly since they had been watching from a camera on his phone.

Feeling hurt and angry, I didn't know what happened. I just marched over and slammed his head into the window of his car before I felt myself being hit in the back of my head.

Then it was all dark and quiet.


A/N: Your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated! Lmaooo ehem ehem this book is going to come to an end already. The next chapter will be the epilogue ;)

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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