✎Chapter Three✎

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Akaashi Pov

Now which way to head–fuck it, it doesn't matter as long as I get out of here. 

Why am I starting to feel scared now? I was completely fine and calm a second ago but now I am trembling and my chest feels like it's getting heavy.

Footsteps thundered close and my breath hitched. I'm scared...

"Somebody stop that guy!" 

Go faster Keiji! Run faster! Go past your limits!!! 

Turning a corner, it seemed to be a living room and I dashed for the door that was there. That must be the exit! Freedom! 


Great, I just had to be tackled and ow this person is heavy...I can feel their muscles though and it feels nice–head back in the chase Keiji!

Struggling against the person who tackled me, I thrashed under them and tried to push them away. The door opened and a female stepped in, the background showing the outside where people were walking and cars were passing. 

She quickly closed the door and as I went to scream for help, a rag with chloroform was put over my mouth. I tried not to inhale it but it was too late and I passed out from it. 


What was going to happen to me now?




My head aches and oh god what is that awful smell?

It smells like what a sewer would smell like if I was in one. I actually don't know how it would smell, I've never been in one.

Great, there's tape on my mouth again and oh, my hands are once again tied as well as my legs.

"Sleeping beauty's awake boys." Someone muttered dryly and I looked around, finally seeing a group of three standing in the center of the room, huddled around each other.

But one.

One was sitting down right in front of me.

"Hello, beautiful."

Me? Beautiful? Why is everyone calling me beautiful?

"Bo, what do you think we should do with him?" A guy with brown hair in a side-over style asked, glancing at me.

The one sitting in front of me must be Bo since he turned around when they said it. And then he looked back at me, looking me up and down.

"I'll have him be with me."

The group in the middle laughed and agreed that he could take me with him which terrified me. Was he going to hurt me worse?

For a while, they spoke quietly and I watched, trying to listen but it was hard to do so.

"Alright, boys we have agreed. Bo will take the hostage until we find out what to do with him."

I'm being taken somewhere else?? Again??

The Bo guy who resembled an owl walked over to me, giving me a smug smile as everyone watched.

There's something about him that feels like he won't hurt me. It's probably just me though from being smacked a few times.

"Head out, Bo's got him."

The group of boys left, and Bo picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder like a rag doll but once the men were out of sight he carried me bridal style. Weird.

I didn't even realize his face was pressing to the side of my face until I heard him whisper by my ear.

"When I take you where we're going, you'll be safe alright?" He whispered and I shuddered, nodding slowly.

Should I believe him? That smug smile and what he said in the room makes me think otherwise but he hasn't actually hurt me so what should I think?

"And don't worry I won't hurt you," He whispered as he sat me down in the passenger seat before going to sit on his own side.

We must be somewhere deserted. There's no one out here and it looks old. Even if I could somehow manage to scream for help, no one would show.

Bo moved closer to me and gently pulled the tape off of my mouth. He's acting strange unless this is normally how he acts.

"Hey, want to call your family? I bet they're worried huh,"

Is he messing with me?

"May I call them?"

He nodded with a smile and passed me the phone. Okay, maybe he's a little dumb.

"My hands are tied..."

"Oh! Sorry, just tell me the number and I'll hold it for you,"

Nodding, I said the numbers, and he typed them in slowly then pressed call before setting it to my ear.

For a bit it rang before–"Keiji where are you?! I've been worried sick! Please tell me you're alright! Are you??!"

"Mom I'm–" I glanced over at Bo who was already staring back at me. "‐I'm fine. Just decided to take a vacation last minute, my boss said it was fine."

"Keiji, is there something you're not telling me? You sound a little bit afraid."

"No, I am fine just happy that I was allowed a longer break. I love you mom,"


Bo pulled the phone away and brought it to his ear. What's he going to say?!

"Hi, Mrs.Agaashi! I'm Keiji's friend! He's told me so much about you oh and don't worry I will have him home by maybe the end of next month! I guarantee it!"

But will he guarantee it?


A/N: Thank you for reading, please make sure to eat and stay hydrated you gorgeous potato!

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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