✎Chapter Thirteen✎

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Akaashi Pov 

A while passed and it seems that the date had brought us closer than before.

It's weird how when he would leave, he wouldn't lock the doors and for some reason, I wouldn't try and run away. Like I wanted to be close to him.

There were random times where he seemed upset and came to me then I would cheer him up. He said his friends always used to call it his 'Emo Mode'.

Sometimes he would come to the room and hug me randomly. Sometimes even cuddle me and kiss my cheek. I didn't think it was weird which maybe I should think it is but instead it makes me happy.

As if we were in a relationship but would I be able to ever be in a relationship with him? He probably doesn't even see me that way and he's my kidnapper so...

"Kaashi! Your mom is on the phone!" Bokuto-san ran in and passed me the phone.

To make it more believable that I was being hurt or anything, he would allow me to call my mom or allow my mom to call me but of course on a different phone. 

Taking the phone from him after murmuring a small "thank you," he left to give me some time to speak with her.


"Keijiiiiii hiiii!" she slurred and giggled.

"Mom are you drunk?"

"Huh what no? I am not drunk! I am uhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

"Mom? Hello? You still there?"

"Don't yell at me! I am a t-rex! RAWR!"

Oh my god-don't laugh!

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose to stay calm.

"Are you alone right now?"

"Hmm, I am...I don't know where I am," she mumbled.

If only I could go but as sweet as Bokuto-san is, I don't think he'd even let me go that far.

"Sooo Keiji how is the sex life? Is that hunky man giving you great pleasure?"

My face turned beet red and I almost threw the phone across the room.

"Mom no! We're not doing anything like that! We're just...friends. Yeah, just friends."

"Well if I were you I would've jumped that guy already!"

"Mom! You don't even know how he is or how he looks like..."

"Actually I do, he face timed me a few times and oh Lawd have mercy! I felt like I was about to BUST!" she screeched.


"He calls me to tell me about how you are and if I ever want you to come to see me then he'll bring you but like JUMP HIS BONES ALREADY HONEY! YOU'LL NEVER GET THAT CHANCE AGAIN!"

"Mom you're drunk, go to sleep or something,"



".. fantasizing bout the pussy power-" she mumbled in the background.

What the fuck-

Bokuto-san came back into the room with art supplies, a canvas, and two juices. His golden round eyes were full of a little hope. I'm guessing hopeful as in that I'd say yes to painting with him or something-?

"Is your mom still on the phone?" he asked quietly, not wanting to interrupt in case she still was and I simply nodded.

"Sweetie face time me!!!"

"Okay fine alright,"

Switching it to face time, I waited then her face appeared just as Bokuto-san sat down beside me and waved at her.

"Oh hi! So when are you gonna fuck Keiji?"


Bokuto blushed and looked away. "I'm not going to, that'd be wrong to do so because he doesn't like me that way and even if he did, I would want it to be special and with his consent,"


"What a gentleman! See Keiji fuck him while you have the chance!"


She giggled on the other side and suddenly fell asleep, snoring loudly.

"Damn it, she told me she doesn't know where she is at and I can't just leave her like that," I mumbled.

"Don't worry, I have a friend who can track her cellphone, and then I'll drive you to her,"

"You'd let me go to her Bokuto-san?"

"Of course! Now let me go call that friend and then we'll go, just wait here for me,"

He rushed away with the phone and I curled up on the blankets. He was sweet again.

And my mom just kept embarrassing me...

Bokuto-san probably thinks I'm weird now.

Why would he even want to fuck me? Am I even good at sex? I mean it's been a while since I slept with someone. If I did it with Bokuto would he be nice about it?



A/N: Your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated!

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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