II - million tiny butterflies.

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million tiny butterflies.
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     THE DAY AFTER the awkward potions class encounter (well, awkward for Daisy, at least!) Daisy had not seemed to be able to keep her mouth shut about it

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THE DAY AFTER the awkward potions class encounter (well, awkward for Daisy, at least!) Daisy had not seemed to be able to keep her mouth shut about it. This seemed to even be testing Brady's limits with her non-stop rambling about it. She was sitting with Brady at the Hufflepuff table talking his ears off about it, as she had potions next.

"I mean... it is not like I care about my marks. I only care about astronomy." She shook her head, sipping pumpkin juice from her goblet.

"I have told you a million times, don't worry your pretty head about it," Brady said. And as he said this, they both realized he had let the pretty part slip out of his mouth. "I didn't mean-" he stumbled on his words.

Daisy laughed lightly at the flush of his cheeks. "I know what you mean, Brady." She smiled at him. "Ugh, when is mail going to be here? I'm expecting the new witch weekly."

"Don't tell me you read that rubbish," Brady groaned.

Daisy raised a brow, "It is not rubbish!" She argued. "It is entertaining, you would adore the quizzes in there. It is how I knew I was in love with Regulus."

His face went into a deadpan, "You figured out you were in love with Regulus Black from a witch weekly quiz?"

Daisy nodded.

"And when exactly did this happen? First-year?" Brady asked. He thought it ridiculous how she thought she was in love with a boy who never spared her a glance.

"You know very well I don't remember when it started. I've told you a billion times," Daisy said. As she said this, dozens of owls made their way into the hall, dropping packages and envelopes down on the tables in front of the students.

A couple of envelopes and magazines dropped in front of Daisy. She made a delighted squeal at the sight of her witch weekly, taking it and flipping through the pages landing on the last one flipping it over to show Brady.

"You see..." she pointed to one of the columns, "These are the quizzes, this one is 'what kind of witch are you?',"

"It is still rubbish nonsense," Brady murmured.

"Come on, you have to take it."

Brady sighed, "fine."

She looked down at the page, "Alright, what is your favorite season? Winter, spring, summer, or fall?"


"Okay," Daisy moved on, "choose a practice: astrology, tarot reading, crystal healing, potion-making."

"Potion making."

She eyed him.

He heaved a sigh, "tarot reading."

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