VIII - hello, december.

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hello, december.
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DAISY WOKE UP WITH A BRIGHT SMILE GRACING HER FACE. She practically skipped over to the window. She smiled even bigger at the sight. Daisy pulled the window open and took a breath of the cold air as tiny snowflakes started to fall into her dorm.

     "Hello, December!" She hummed happily.

     "Ugh! Close the window!" Her roomate, Elaine Bloom bellowed.

     "Sorry!" Daisy grimaced as she closed the window, "I just love the snow!" She said as she sat on the foot of Elaine's bed.

     "I know you do," Elaine sighed as she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes.

     Over the past few weeks, in the absence of both Cassie and Brady she had become close with Elaine, a fellow fifth year Hufflepuff and her dorm mate.

     Daisy had noticed Cassie become close with two of her fellow Slytherin's, Evan Rosier and Adorabella Greengrass.

     As for Brady, she had seen him around a few times over the past weeks. They waved at each other but it never went further then that.

     "I can't believe it is the last day before break," Daisy said cheerfully. She was ecstatic to go home to her parents, Valerie and Levi Ixora.

"I'll miss you, Daisy." Elaine sighed as she dug through her closet, throwing things in her trunk.

"You pretend like I won't write you," Daisy rolled her eyes as she got up from the bed, going over to hers to close her trunk. "I mean how else will I send your Christmas present?"

Elaine smiled gratefully at Daisy, "Okay, we have to hurry now so we can actually eat breakfast before the train."

After throwing on the nearest pair of jeans and a jumper both Daisy and Elaine were sitting together in the Great Hall eating quickly before making their way to Hogsmeade Station.

"You should totally come over for New Year's!" Elaine said brightly.

"Sure, just owl me," Daisy nodded. She was glad to have Elaine. She wasn't sure when she and Cassie would make up. She hoped it would be soon. She thought Cassie would adore Elaine.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" She asked her friend. Christmas was always Daisy's favorite time of year. She loved the cold weather and the music and the overall feel of December.

"Very much," Elaine nodded, "It will be nice to see the family. Especially Mae, my sister."

Daisy sent her a smile in acknowledgment. She then trained her eyes on the Slytherin table. She of course was looking for Regulus. Though, she couldn't quite find him yet.

"Just say goodbye to him! You guys are friends that is what friends do!" Elaine commented. Of course, Daisy had told the brunette about her fancying Regulus Black.

"No, no. I can't," Daisy shook her head.

"Yes, you can."

"No, really," Daisy said, "I don't want to have to walk over there. I'll see him after the holidays!"

"Whatever you say," Elaine rolled her eyes, "C'mon, we can't be late."

Daisy sat on her bed at home. She had been home for four days and was glad to be back. She had already stolen a few scarves and a sweater from her mother. She was also glad to be able to sleep in as late as she pleased without anyone disturbing her.

She was currently humming along to some random record that was gifted to her a few years back. It was Christmas Eve and after a meal of turkey, trifle, and Christmas cake, she felt too full and sleepy to do much before bed except sit and listen to music.

She had sent and received two letters already from Elaine. Daisy has gifted her friend a pair of the cutest dangly earrings she had bought in Hogsmede. Elaine had gifted Daisy a necklace with a badger on it and Hufflepuff house colors on it.

Dearest Daisy,

I hope you think the necklace is cute! I found it at Diagon Alley, I also got one. They can kinda be our friendship necklaces with a side of house pride.

I LOVED the earrings. We've only been friends for about a month and you already know my style perfectly. I'm wearing them right now as we go over to my aunts for dinner.

I talked with my mum and she said it is okay for you to come over for the New Year so just floo over. I'm also inviting a few of my other friends from school, you'll love them.

Happy Christmas, see you soon!

- Elaine Bloom

Daisy smiled down at the letter, quickly scribbling down a response when there was a tapping sound at the window.

Daisy rose a brow in confusion as she opened the window to reveal two owls with notes and parcels in their beaks.

     She opted to go to the barn owl first, already recognizing it. Daisy took the note softly from the owl's beak along with the parcel.

      Happy Christmas, Flower.


Daisy smiled softly down at the parchment. She went to open up the small box to reveal a tiny stuffed animal rabbit. It had a thing small pale lavender ribbon tied loosely around its neck.

Daisy looked to the corner of her room at a red box that was Cassie's gift, she hadn't sent it because she wasn't sure where they stood.

It was a cream cable knit oversized sweater that Daisy knew would be perfect for Cassie. Daisy decided to send it with Cassie's owl.

Daisy moved the second owl. She had no idea who this one belonged to. The owl made a noise at her as it dropped the parcel and note in her room and flew off.

She shrugged as she picked the envelope up and opened it.

I noticed your pens were losing ink and you were shaking them like you were mad. I happened to have an extra quill for you. Happy Christmas.


     Daisy carefully opened the thin green velvet box to reveal the most elegant quill she had ever seen. It seemed to be a long black eagle feather quill, with a crimson top. Her eyebrows rose in surprise.

     The last time she had used a quill was her first year. Of course, she had grown up using quills but after making friends with Brady, he introduced her to pens. They were much easier to use, but not as pretty as the quill in her hand.

   She looked into the signature on the parchment, 'R.A.B'. What could that stand for? She asked herself. Who could she possibly know whose name started with an R?

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