IX - damn you.

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damn you.
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REGULUS BLACK MENTALLY CURSED himself. After he sent the owl to her, he immediately regretted it. He didn't know why she had been so adamant about being friendly with each other. But, of course, the moment she had, he found himself drawn.

Regulus knew that this friendship couldn't go on for long. But damn rational thinking. And damn Daisy Ixora for that.

He was currently sitting in his drab quite depressing room. It lacked any color except for the Slytherin colors of emerald and silver that seemed to be everywhere, draping the bed, the walls, and the windows. The Black family crest was painstakingly painted over the bed, along with its motto: Toujours Pur. He couldn't help the bitter taste in his mouth while looking at the seemingly perfect calligraphy of what translated to be 'always pure'.

Daisy took a deep breath as she walked up to the doorstep of her new friend, Elaine Bloom's house for the girl's New Year's party. Normally, Daisy would be feeling excited to hang out with a friend but with other people she didn't know there, she couldn't help but feel nerves bubbling. She knocked apprehensively on the door, waiting for Elaine to make an appearance.

     When Elaine came to the door, she opened it with a bright smile greeting Daisy with a hug, "You're here!" She said excitedly, "Here, come in, you're the last one to make it."

     Daisy seemed to release a breath she didn't know she was holding as she stepped into her friend's house. She followed Elaine into her living room to see three people talking animatedly.

     "Take a seat and I'll introduce you, they'll just love you!" Elaine whispered to her dragging her to sit down next to her.

     "Daisy. . ." Elaine started, "The two prats to our left are Fabian and Gideon Prewett, the more civilized one to our right is the lovely Mary Macdonald!"

     The two boys who originally were throwing what looked to be a firework back and forth paused to look at Daisy, and before she knew it they were standing right before her with their hands out.

     "Pleased to make your acquaintance," The first boy spoke in a mock posh tone, taking Daisy's hand in his own and shaking it wildly, "Fabian is my name, this is my brother Gideon. . ."

     Gideon pushed Fabian out of the way, grasping her hand, "You'll find out very fast, that I will be your favorite superior twin."

     "No way!" Fabian gasped.

     They both made their back to where they previously were standing, arguing about who was the better twin.

     "Finally, another badger!" Mary said cheerfully, "Welcome to the Lion Den."

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now