XV - sacred twenty-eight (what the hell!)

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     For some odd reason that night when Daisy had gone back to bed, she was plagued with nothing but dreamless sleep

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     For some odd reason that night when Daisy had gone back to bed, she was plagued with nothing but dreamless sleep. Maybe she wouldn't need the potion after all.

     When she told her friends about her run-in with Regulus, they were all shocked. It wasn't a secret that she liked Regulus, she figured the whole school was aware by now.

      Mary had given her a wink when she told the group, Daisy had no clue why. She had to admit that she was nervous to tell them about this. When she was close with Cassie and Brady, she remembered how Cassie used to shame her for liking Regulus, causing Brady to shoot her sympathetic looks. Daisy was pleasantly surprised to find no scrutiny this time; instead, her friends were genuinely interested in what happened.

She had dragged her friends over to the Hufflepuff table that morning for breakfast. Daisy had no grievances with the Gryffindors, but she didn't want to completely ditch her house.

Fabian and Gideon were poking Elaine with a fork in hopes to annoy the girl, Daisy watched as they succeeded as Elaine flung a raspberry toward them.

Mary and Marlene were sitting closely, being sickly cute—as always.

This left Daisy by herself, she poked at a pile of eggs she had put on her plate. Her thoughts were on anything but breakfast, however. She hated how the moment he looked at her she was reeled back in.

     She felt eyes on her and looked up at the Slytherin table to find Regulus already staring at her. She quirked a brow as she stared back at him. This was a new development.

     Instead of looking away when she looked back at him, he continued to stare. She felt like he was looking into her soul, but she didn't mind.

     It was then she decided she didn't want to get over him. Screw what she had been trying over the summer. Daisy Ixora wanted Regulus Black, and she was going to try anything to get him.

     She noticed his lips quirked up in a subtle smirk. Daisy finally broke away from his gaze and turned to her friends.

     "I want him," she blurted out. They all turned to her in confusion.

     "Context, hun?" Mary asked.

     "Black," Daisy clarified. "I want to be with him."

Marlene's face contorted in disgust, "Yuck, Sirius? Really? Trust me, you do not want to go there."

Daisy let out a small giggle, "No, not Sirius. His brother."

The blonde witch let out a relieved sigh, "Oh, Regulus. . . yeah, he is hot."

Mary sent her girlfriend a glare but chose to ignore this as she turned to her friend, "Okay, so we now need a plan to make this happen."

"Without her being creepy," Elaine added.

     Fabian and Gideon stared at the girls with obvious confusion. Gideon cleared his throat before he spoke, "You shouldn't need a plan, Daisy."

    "Obviously she does!" Elaine said, "It is way more fun if she gets him because of a plan we all devised!"

    "If a bloke likes a girl, he'll just ask her out." Fabian countered. It all seemed so simple to them but Daisy knew Regulus was different.

     "I don't think you know who Black is," Mary said, "he is not normal— no offense, Daisy."

     "He is normal," Daisy argued, "I think he is just complicated. . ."

     "It's true," Marlene spoke up. "My roommate is kinda involved in pureblood society — what Black is also a part of — there are a lot of expectations of children in the sacred twenty-eight."

     "Sacred twenty-eight?" Elaine questioned.

     Daisy was familiar with the Sacred Twenty-Eight, it was a big deal to some people. She thought it was bloody dumb. Despite Daisy being of pureblood status, her family was not considered to be a part of it. This was due to her great-grandfather's positive views on muggles, they were then exiled from the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

      "It is really stupid," Fabian said. "It is the only families left that are considered to be completely pure." He finished by putting his hands up in an air quote gesture.

      "Why are people so obsessed with that, anyway?" Elaine queried.

     "Because they are prats," Gideon said bitterly.

     This got Daisy thinking. Was Regulus like the other pureblood Slytherin's? She knew he seemed to be okay with her, and she was a blood traitor in some people's eyes.

     She also remembered one of the first times they met and he out right called her a Blood Traitor. . .

     She didn't want to believe it.

     "You don't think Regulus is like that, do you?" She asked. She hoped not, if he was that would change everything.

      Mary sighed, "Hard to tell."

      "If it makes you feel better, I know his brother is not. . . But Sirius is a black sheep."

     It grew quiet between the group. "You could ask?" Elaine said.

     "I can't do that!" She exclaimed, "How do I go about that? I can't say: hey, do you hate muggles? Because if so, I can't talk to you anymore."

     "Maybe not that straightforward with it, but, yes," Marlene said.

     Daisy then had the best idea. One that didn't require her to possibly run him off. "You could ask Sirius?"

       "Yeah, right," Marlene scoffed, she then got up and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I don't know Black that well, and he's pretty estranged from his family. He will not want to talk about it."

     Daisy watched as the blonde leaned down to press a kiss on Mary's cheek, "Alright, gotta head to Charms. See you all later."

     As Marlene left, Mary looked to Daisy, "Seems like you are on your own."

      "I'll figure it out," Daisy said.

     "Come to the Gryffindor common room this evening," Elaine told her. "We are hanging out there and Black will most likely also be there. I am friendly with Lupin, he may know. We can talk to him together."

note: alas coming to gross details of Harry Potter... it is relevant though 😔 next chapter will be so marauders based I'm so excited!!!!!!!!

for ecstasy fans maybe Selene and James will be there!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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