XII- slow mend

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slow mend.
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     THE PAST WEEKS had been difficult

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THE PAST WEEKS had been difficult. Other students kept approaching Daisy to ask about Brady, which sent Daisy into a full-on meltdown. She couldn't help but feel the huge wave of guilt plague her once again anytime the thought of Brady surfaced. Feeling guilty about the thought of Brady just made Daisy feel worse. Her friends were trying their hardest to shield Daisy from the thought of Brady. This was hard considering Brady Abbot was the topic of all conversation at Hogwarts.

Though, in the past few days the conversation seemed to be coming to a cease. People seemed to be moving on, which made Daisy relieved— but also heartbroken to think about people forgetting him. Daisy knew she would someday be okay with the loss of Brady, but what seemed to be troubling her more these days was the lack of communication with Cassie. She guessed a small part of her figured she and Cassie would reconcile, but after the first month without Brady, Daisy gave up on this kind thought.

Cassie seemed to be happy with her new group of friends. So, Daisy decided to stop being bitter about their falling out. Instead, she decided to be grateful for the time they did have. She got to have five wonderful years with Cassie and Brady, and their friendship was great! Daisy had come to peace that some things were never meant to last forever, and that can burn but she needed to learn to feel okay with that. Without their falling out Daisy knew none of them would have ever branched out to other people, so she felt the peace of sorts that she and Cassie were no longer friends. Cassie had her group, and Daisy had hers and that was okay. She was thankful for both of them. All she could hope for is that Cassie finds her version of happiness, and hopefully Brady finds his peace wherever that is.

And she finds hers.

Now it was late May and the term was coming to a very slow close. The OWL (Ordinary Wizarding Level) exams were coming up for fifth-year students, and all fifth years seemed to be in the same state of mind: panic. This exam was very important because it dictated what N.E.W.T. courses they would be permitted to take.

Daisy had a career counseling appointment with her head of the house, Pomona Sprout. She was freaking out, Daisy had no clue what she wanted to do post-school. She had never really thought about it, all she had thought about was leaving school not what she would do after.

So as she sat in front of Professor Sprout, she was silent. They had been sitting in silence for a good six and a half minutes after Sprout had asked what profession Daisy would be interested in.

Daisy was racking her brain for something, "what about being a shop owner?" She asked. Her mum owned a beautiful shop, she loved to visit and work there. Why not start her own business?

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Sprout raised a brow at her. Daisy shrugged. "I think you would excel at that, Ixora."

Daisy grinned, "I think I would enjoy it. I already have experience in that department. But I think designing my own clothes would be nice."

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now