XIV - past regrets & possible beginnings?

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   "I am so in love with you, Daisy," Brady confessed, the words escaping his lips in the late hours of the Hufflepuff common room, where the soft glow of the fire whiskey bottle illuminated his hopeful face

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"I am so in love with you, Daisy," Brady confessed, the words escaping his lips in the late hours of the Hufflepuff common room, where the soft glow of the fire whiskey bottle illuminated his hopeful face.

Daisy couldn't help but laugh. The pair had been having fun with a bottle of fire whiskey, and now, the alcohol had Brady slurring out random things.

"Go to sleep, Brady," she said simply, knowing he always said the craziest things when he was drunk.

"Anything for you," he replied sweetly, clinging to his blanket and pillow by the fire. Daisy wasn't as drunk as him; he was such a lightweight.

She returned to her knitting, deciding she couldn't send him back to his dorm in this state.

"Do you think I could fight a hippogriff?"

This was the last thing she heard before she awoke in a cold sweat. Daisy's breaths were rapid as she regained her composure. Meeting him in her dreams had become familiar. It was the first week back at Hogwarts, and she had been waking up each night with nightmares.

It was hard for her to believe she had been so clueless with him. Maybe if he had said something sooner, they could have been together.

Daisy knew this was a lie, but it was something that still made her feel guilty. She hated that he died feeling unloved.

Daisy decided to take a walk outside to clear her mind, the cool night air helping to soothe her troubled thoughts. She wrapped her knitted scarf tightly around her neck, the fabric providing a sense of comfort. She had originally made this for him. The moonlight cast eerie shadows as she wandered aimlessly across the Hogwarts grounds, lost in her world of memories and regrets.

It seemed she had been lost in her mind, because the girl ran into a strong chest. Daisy yelped and looked up to see a familiar pair of grey eyes she had forced herself to not think about over the summer.

She felt the same warmth fill her chest at the sight of him. No, stop it, Daisy! She screamed at herself mercilessly.

"Out past curfew, Ixora," Regulus said coldly. She shuttered at this, hadn't they been making progress over the summer?

     This normally would not matter but Daisy's prefect status had been revoked over the summer due to her missing most duties.

Daisy struggled to find her voice, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. "I... I needed some air," she managed to stammer, avoiding his gaze. She figured he would know why she was in this state — even though he didn't seem to care — he still knew her so well. Daisy could not figure out how.

     Regulus regarded her for a moment, his expression softening slightly. "You shouldn't wander alone at night," he said, his tone less severe now, betraying his previous cool demeanor.

     Daisy nodded. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

     They stood there in silence for a moment. Daisy fought against the memories that threatened to consume her. It was dangerous to hope for something that could never be.

     His eyes moved from her to something behind her. Daisy followed his gaze to meet Parkinson, some uptight Slytherin girl.

    "Miss Perfect," Parkinson greeted sarcastically. "That will be a detention; I'll take you back to your home base."

    Daisy let out a low sigh as she began to follow her.

    "Actually," Regulus spoke up, stopping the pair from leaving. "I found Ixora out, so I'll take her back."

     Parkinson raised an eyebrow, clearly not pleased, but she said nothing and left them alone. Daisy had noticed that what Regulus says, normally goes.

     Regulus turned back to Daisy, his gaze searching. "What's wrong, Ixora?" he asked.

     Daisy hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked into his grey eyes. "I've been having nightmares," she admitted, her voice barely audible.

     Regulus reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "About Abbot?"

     She hummed, "Every night."

     He withdrew his hand and a shadow passed over his face in the dark corridor. "Have you tried a sleeping drought?"

    She laughed dryly, "We were partners in potions last year, do I seem like I'm exceptionally talented?"

Regulus chuckled softly. "Fair point," he admitted. "What about Madam Pomfrey?"

"I've tried that," she said, they had begun to walk towards the kitchens where her common room was. "She claims I have to work my way through it."

"What if I make you one?" He suggested.

She turned to him in surprise. Since when did Regulus Black do her favors?

"I'm not going to poison you if that's what you are thinking—"

She ignored this comment, "Sure, thank you."

He nodded swiftly as they arrived at the entrance of the common room. Daisy turned to him momentarily, "Well. . ." She didn't really know what to say to him. They did not really end on bad terms per se, but she couldn't help but feel a tinge of uncertainness.

"Same time tomorrow, I'll brew it tonight." He said before turning around and disappearing into the dark corridor.

Here we go again . . .

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now