XIII- summer, baby!

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DAISY SIGHED HAPPILY as she inhaled the warm summer air. It was finally summer break and Daisy was so ready for the time off. She had felt like she was only treading water the last few weeks of the term. She thought that her O.W.L.S. went okay-ish. She definitely would not be reigning valedictorian or anything — but at least average.

She was now back home at the Ixora Cottage. She was ecstatic to be back! The whistling of the leaves could be heard twenty-four-seven, and the chirping of birds was a perfect welcome back home. However, she was the most pleased to spot the dragonflies flying around their garden. She loved summer!

It was a bittersweet goodbye, leaving Hogwarts this year. To Daisy's dismay, Elaine would be transferring to a wizarding school in the States as her mum had gotten a new job. Daisy was thankful that Elaine had given her a friend group to stick with when she did go back to school. Mary had been frantically writing to her trying to set up a hangout, to which Daisy had replied "Anything works for me!". Her schedule was painfully empty.

She had then gotten two more letters in the post the following week inviting her to stay at 'The Burrow' where Fabian and Gideon lived for the remainder of the summer. The second letter was Mary asking if Daisy would be going, to which she replied "Yes!".

So, now she stood on the porch of the Ixora home. It had not lasted long being back home but Daisy was already ready for a change of scenery. She loved being home, don't get that twisted but her parents could be a little overbearing at times. She loved them and liked to spend time with them, but she was ready to be back with her friends.

Daisy was told she would be picked up at exactly noon. After catching a quick glance at her watch, there was a loud crack and suddenly Gideon was standing in front of her with a bright smile pulling at his lips, "Long time, no see, Ixora." He greeted. "Doing alright?" He noted at the concerned look on her face.

Daisy had her hand on her chest as she caught up with her breath, "You did not tell me you were freaking apparating!" She gasped, "You almost killed me!" She whacked his arm.

"Woah! Relax!" He laughed out as he dodged her flailing arms. "Fabian and I just got our licenses, gotta use them y'know?"

"Bloody prat," she mumbled as she took ahold of his left arm.

"You know you love me!" He sang.

They landed on the grassy front yard of what Daisy would assume was The Burrow. It was a very tall structure, and after counting Daisy noted it had seven floors! It was obviously a wizard-built ramshackle, that clearly needs magic to keep it from falling apart.

Daisy loved it.

"Wow," she breathed, "your house is so cool!"

Gideon chuckled as he started to make his way to the door, Daisy following closely behind him. "Not much, but it is home."

As they entered the home Daisy looked around,
pots and pans was washing themselves, everything seemed to be working on it's own. Some needles seemed to be knitting a green sweater on its own, and dishes that seemed to be washing themselves.

Even though Daisy grew up in a magic household, she was always amazed at what magic could truly do.

Daisy could hear a thud as Mary and Fabian appeared in front of them. "Daisy!" Mary greeted excitedly as she swept the girl up into a hug, "Ugh, I missed you!"

Daisy smiled as she wrapped her arms around the brunette tightly, smelling her coconut perfume.

"Hey, Mary." She greeted her warmly.

notes: I'm going to be honest idk what the plan was with these summer chapters 😭 so to not waste your time we are jumping into the new year!!!!!! next summer will be eventful don't worry:) (I think you guys will enjoy these next chapters LOL)

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now