XI- who is regulus black?

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who is regulus black?
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     IF YOU ASKED DAISY IXORA who Regulus Black is she would shrug and say, "He is that Slytherin loner, right?"

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     IF YOU ASKED DAISY IXORA who Regulus Black is she would shrug and say, "He is that Slytherin loner, right?". Daisy had — in the simplest of terms — forgotten her love for Regulus Black ever existed. She was humiliated after he told her to knock it off with her crush. She had spent five years loving him and to think it all ended in the span of a few minutes.

     On a brighter note, after Mary and Elaine had caught wind of this (they harassed Daisy until she fessed up) they went crazy. That very night Mary had made a map of the different corridors Daisy could go down to avoid Regulus, then she also made a map of the corridors she could go down to see Regulus. When Daisy had asked why she would want to see him, Mary responded, "To make him regret his choice, of course!"

    Daisy decided that Mary was her soulmate.

    Daisy was successful with this too. She went down every single corridor he did and ignored his existence. She also did this while sitting next to him in potions. Whenever they were forced to do partner work, Daisy would do her share of the work without speaking a word to the boy.

    Daisy hoped that maybe this would strike something in his cold heart. She knew he didn't like her back but couldn't help but think that maybe he would miss their sorta friendship.

    While Mary had made the map, Elaine had talked Fabian into having a fake relationship with Daisy. When Daisy found out about this she said, "Absolutely not!"

     "Come on, Daisy!" Elaine grumbled, "Make him regret his life! Everyone fancies Fabian, people will go mad at this development."

     After agreeing reluctantly, Daisy roamed the corridors with his arm around her shoulder. She sat at the Gryffindor table, always next to him. Most free time now were spent together. Daisy didn't mind this, she liked Fabian and they were being coming good friends.

This is why Daisy sat next to Fabian at breakfast. Elaine sat beside her complaining about her next class, "I'm actually not doing well, this is not okay!"

"Worse comes to worse, you just guess on the exam questions." Mary shrugged.

"Why do I even have exams?" Elaine said outraged. "Why do they actually care if I know the material?"

Daisy laughed quietly, "Probably because it is their job to teach you."


Daisy turned back to her plate of food, as multiple gasps filled the air. She looked up confused, she wondered what was going on.

It confused Daisy even more at the sight of her friends giving her sympathetic looks. She rose a brow, "What is going on?"

"I'm so sorry, honey," Mary said quietly as she passed Daisy a newspaper.

    Daisy felt her heart drop to her stomach as she choked out a sob

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Daisy felt her heart drop to her stomach as she choked out a sob. She couldn't believe it. Brady was gone, he was dead. Her best friend was dead.

    She shook her had frantically as she looked up to her friends who were looking at her like she could explode at any moment. "No," she whispered, "this is a lie. I would have known if he— if he was dead. Someone would've told me!"

    "I'm so sorry, Daisy." Elaine whispered as she took her hand and squeezed it comfortably.

    Daisy looked up to the Slytherin table and made eye contact with Cassie who she could see also had tears brewing in her eyes. They nodded at each other as Elaine and Mary took Daisy from her seat to go to their dorm.

     Daisy was once again sitting on top of the Astronomy Tower. She had finally stopped crying and convinced her friends to let her go off alone. She couldn't help but feel as if her whole body was hollow inside. She hadn't talked to Brady for months before his death. She felt as the guilt ate away at her.

    How come nobody had told her that Brady was dead!? Nobody thought that his best friend would be interested in knowing that he had been murdered.

    How come did Daisy never try to reach out to Brady. Why didn't she care enough — Daisy was knocked out of her thoughts when Regulus Black sat down next to her.

    "I'm not in the mood right now," Daisy sighed as she brought her ice cold hands to her face. "I can't handle anything more tonight, I just can't."

    "I'm only sitting next to you." He argued, but then his hand slipped around her shoulders, bringing her body closer to his. "Is this okay?" He asked softly.

     She looked over at his hand wrapped around her. The Regulus Black was practically cradling her like she were about to shatter into a million tiny fragments. She figured she must have looked rough. Daisy looked over at him, her eyes like honey meeting his coal gray ones. She nodded as she let the breath it seemed she had been holding for months out.

"He's dead." She spoke as if he didn't know. As if the whole school hadn't been watching as her eyes glided across the page, and her soul broke in two.

"I know."

"Why are you here?" She asked, "I mean we haven't spoken for a bit so. . ."

"I come up here all the time. I'm not heartless, I wasn't gonna leave you here, especially this late." He lied. Regulus had been walking the corridors and saw her make her way towards the tower. He may have been tough with her, but he was always gonna be there for her. Like she had been for him. "Your best friend is dead. You shouldn't be alone."

    "I was horrible to him," she sniffed. "I didn't even try to mend things with him after our falling out."

    "The bloke was an arse," Regulus spoke.

    "Regulus!" She reprimanded him, "show at least a little respect towards him, please!"

    "What?" he said, "it didn't take a genius to figure out the Morgan girl had a thing for him. It was an arse move to confess all in front of everyone."

"He was family though," Daisy said. "He was the first friend I made here. I wish I could see him one last time. I would fix everything."

"You can't fix all." Regulus responded, "sometimes you just have to let things be, and decide to be okay with that."

    Perhaps Brady's death was only the start of hard times. But in this moment Daisy knew that she would survive this loss.

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