VI - new beginnings.

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new beginnings.
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     DAISY HAD BEEN SEARCHING the corridors for Cassie for what had felt like hours

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DAISY HAD BEEN SEARCHING the corridors for Cassie for what had felt like hours. The girl looked down at her watch to see it was half an hour before she was supposed to meet Regulus.

Daisy let out a small huff as she spared one last glance at the Slytherin common room. She was about to try and break into, or bribe a first-year for the password in hopes to find Cassie.

Daisy turner to run down the corridor back to her common room to get ready.

Daisy finished tying small pale pink ribbons into the ends of her two pigtails just in time to walk down to meet Regulus. She took a deep breath in the mirror as she looked over her outfit. She had decided to wear her favorite sweater from her mom's shop. It was an oversized cable knit multi-colored sweater, she had paired with flared dark wash jeans. On her way out of the door, she slung the crocheted pink bag she had made that summer.

Before she entered the common room, Daisy peeked around the corner to see if Brady was where he normally was at this time of night. She sighed when she saw the boy sitting exactly where she knew he would be. She closed her eyes before quickly walking to the exit, hoping to go unnoticed by her friend.

"Daisy!" Brady spoke up.

Daisy mentally cursed herself as she slowly turned around with a painfully forced smile, "Brady, hey!" Her voice was a few octaves higher.

"About earlier..." He started.

"Look, Brady, what you said—" Daisy started to say.

"Was so, so stupid." He finished for her, "I shouldn't have said it, well I wanted to say it because it is true, I do love you. I could've found a better time and way to say it. I have been beating myself up about it all evening."

"Thank you, Brady." She sighed, "I gotta go."

"Meet him, I know." Brady mumbled, "Be smart, don't be dumb."

Daisy gave him a small smile as she exited.

As she looked down at her watch she realized she was already running ten minutes late.

As Daisy entered the courtyard, she spotted Regulus. She ran up to him out of breath.

She leaned over, her hands resting on her knees as her breath caught up with her. "I- I'm so sorry," Daisy started to say in between breaths, "I was running a bit late, so I ended up running here. I don't like to run."

He merely rose a brow, "Come on, Ixora. You wanted to hang out let's hang out."

Daisy nodded as they started to walk the grounds of Hogwarts, not without muttering, "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, didn't they?"

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now