IV - halloween.

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DAISY IXORA WAS staring at Regulus Black

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DAISY IXORA WAS staring at Regulus Black.

As creepy as it sounds, she just couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Daisy wondered if she truly was in love with him as she told everyone. The boy looked perfect, he was as beautiful as any model Daisy had ever seen in any of her fashion magazines. Regulus was an imperfect person, but to her, he was this perfect human being who could commit no wrong. He looked as if he had just been cut from the marble out of the prettiest structure.

Later on, she would wonder if there were any hints, any red flags she had turned a blind eye to, but, she could never find any. As this thought of his perfection never disappeared.

Though currently, she was standing beside him as he crushed something she couldn't pronounce into his cauldron. Regulus hadn't uttered a word to her, but Daisy was still determined to befriend him. Daisy had told herself there was some progress between the duo as he did ask her to meet at the library when in the end he had done most of the work.

Her arms were crossed as she stood beside him as he slowly mixed the potion, "So," Daisy started looking over at Regulus with a hopeful expression, "any plans for Halloween?"

It was October 31, which was most called Halloween. All four houses were hosting a party in their common room. Hufflepuff usually hosted a costume party with snacks and butterbeer, this was mellow compared to the other three houses but Hufflepuff decided to do this in the hopes of being able to include everyone.

Regulus laughed in an almost mocking way, "I don't participate in that childish nonsense."

"Yes, you do," Daisy argued, "If you are eating dinner tonight, you are. The Halloween feast, remember?"

Regulus looked at her and rolled his eyes.

Daisy grinned, "What are we brewing anyway? I wasn't listening," she asked.

"We?" Regulus mocked, "We aren't brewing anything, I have been doing all the work."

"Well, I could!"

Regulus sent her a disbelieving look, "Fine, do it then." He handed her her wand sitting on the table.

Daisy pursed her lips as she took it from him, their fingers brushed as she did. The brunette felt a sharp chill go down her back as she moved closer to him.

Daisy looked over at Regulus as she started to stir.

"Wrong way."


"Wrong way!" Regulus took her hand to correct her stirring.

"Who cares what way!"

"If you wish for the potion to succeed it matters, stir clockwise," Regulus said. She thought she heard a slight laugh at his words but ignored it.

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now