V - possible progress.

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possible progress.
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     DAISY SQUEALED AS SHE RECOUNTED the events of the Halloween party in the Hufflepuff common room to her friends at lunch

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     DAISY SQUEALED AS SHE RECOUNTED the events of the Halloween party in the Hufflepuff common room to her friends at lunch. "I mean— it was so, ugh, I don't even know how to describe the feeling when Regulus actually showed up! I feel like I might have a shot with him!"

     Cassie rolled her eyes, "Salazar, you have gotten yourself in too deep," she shook her head, "So, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess I could possibly start to get on board—"

     Daisy didn't even let the blonde finish before pulling her into an embrace, "Ah! I knew you would finally come around." She gushed.

     "I said I would start to, but sure, I guess..." Cassie laughed awkwardly, pulling away from the grinning brunette.

    "Gosh, you're the best," Daisy sighed as she looked over at the Slytherin table dreamily.

    She reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the raven-haired boy to her best friend, "Brady, what are your thoughts?"

    "Good for you, Is," Brady smiled an unconvincing smile, but was convincing enough to go unnoticed by one of his friends.

    The bell rang for their next class and everyone made their way out of the hall to their next lesson.

    "Well, I will see you two later!" Daisy sang as she slung her bag over her shoulder and skipped out of the hall. "Love ya!"

    Cassie grinned at her brunette best friend.

    "Love you..." Brady whispered.

     While Regulus was listening to Slughorn, Daisy was off in what Cassie liked to call, 'Daisy Land'. The girl was doodling dozens of small daisies and dragonflies on her parchment while softly humming under her breath. The girl planned to harass Cassie later for the notes on the lesson.

     A few moments later there was a hand placed on her shoulder. Daisy looked up to see Regulus looking down at her, "Cmon, it is time to go."

     Daisy looked around and saw the people around her shoving parchment and quills back into their bags and making their way to the door, "Already?" She murmured as she got up too.

     Regulus hummed as he took a few of her pens and put them back into her bag.

     Daisy looked over at him with a small smile, "Thanks." she whispered as she slung the bag over her shoulder.

     Regulus hummed again as he made his way to the door.

     "Wait," Daisy called after him before he left the almost deserted classroom. "I really wasn't listening to the lesson, could you meet later and uh help me?" The brunette cringed at her words.

Carpe Diem ✶ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now