VII - I miss you, dear friend.

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I miss you, dear friend.
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     DAISY HAPPILY LOOKED DOWN AT the new edition of witch weekly

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DAISY HAPPILY LOOKED DOWN AT the new edition of witch weekly. It was early November, and the golden leaves had all fallen, making way for the winter season. She was ecstatic about the cold months as it was the perfect weather to wear her knitted scarfs and in her eyes, the most perfect pair of leg warmers from her mother's boutique.

The Hufflepuff was just waiting (hoping) for her friends to make an appearance. For about a week neither Cassie nor Brady cared to show up for breakfast — or any meals for that matter.

Daisy tried to not let this dim her mood, but she missed her friends dearly.

She was flipping through the 'Who wore it best?' Section of her magazine, when someone sat down next to her. Daisy jumped slightly at the appearance of her roommate, Mia Wren who wore a big smile.

"Hello!" Daisy greeted cheerfully, hiding the confusion bubbling in her stomach.

"Hey, girl!" Mia smiled, taking a piece of fruit off of Daisy's plate, and popping it in her mouth.

Daisy rose a brow, "What's up?" She asked, closing her magazine.

"Oh, nothing," she waved off, "We just thought you looked kind of lonely here, wanna sit with us?" Mia pointed over to where her friends were.

Daisy looked over where she pointed to see three girls staring at her. She looked back at Mia, who still held an unnatural smile on her face.

She gave her a quick tight-lipped smile, "Um, no thanks." She said, trying to go back to the magazine.

"No, really, come sit," Mia insisted, taking hold of the magazine and Daisy's arm to bring her over to where she was sitting.

Daisy sat down awkwardly across from Mia and her friends. She gave them a nod in greeting, looking at the four girls smiling at her.

"So, Daisy," one of the girls started. Daisy recognized her to be, Leah Hill. "We saw you walking with Regulus Black the other night."

And it clicked. That is why Mia wanted Daisy to sit. They wanted to talk about Regulus.

"We didn't know you were friends with him!" Mia said brightly.

"Oh, I wouldn't say we are—" Daisy started, but was quickly interrupted by the third girl, who, Daisy didn't know.

"Oh, nonsense!" She chimed in, "Reggie doesn't hang out with just anyone, you're such a lucky girl!" She said smiling a fake-ish smile.

Daisy pursed her lips, "Okay, well I'm gonna go..."

A hand grasped her wrist, "Are you guys together? Because, like, I really am in love with Reggie. But, I don't want to go for someone who isn't available," Leah said, looking up at Daisy.

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