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Attachment. It could mean so many different things
For one, it could mean a strong feeling of loyalty, love or friendship
It could mean a file that you send with an email message. And in Nigeria, it even means wearing a fake hair or a wig

But for Khairi it became a disease, a disease that could not be cured. The next day, after the incident at the eatery, Khairi only had one lecture and it was an early morning class. As soon as she wrapped up her activities in the lecture hall, she dialed Mimi's number, the girl she collected her lecture notes

They agreed to meet beside a huge tree in the department, and Khairi sat down on a chair to wait for her. The hot sun was grilling her alive, the heat unbearable

From her peripheral view, Khairi viewed a man sitting next to her. He moved closer, and closer until he was invading her personal space. She abruptly stood up "Malam, are you crazy or you just don't know the meaning of personal space?" She was trying hard not to yell, but the guy had irritated her

He cocked his head upwards, and a sense of recognition immediately flashed in her mind "Found you" He chuckled lowly "You gave me a hard time finding you" He added

"What are you doing here?" She forced out through gritted teeth "You've been following me?" She was astonished

He shrugged, taking off his sunglasses and revealing his dark brown ambers that held her shocked gaze. He was smirking a bit proudly at her reaction "Well you were the one that dared me, i have to fulfill your wish"

She hissed, pointing an accusing finger at him as her eyes narrowed to slits "I never dared you anything"

He hummed in return "I'm pretty much sure you did"

Khairi sighed in exasperation, the guy was getting on her nerves "I don't have time for this" She was about to leave, but then remembered she has to give Mimi her notes

She sighed again, the girl was taking her sweet time and Khairi just wanted to go back home since she's done for the day. Her phone ringed and she answered on the first ring "Hello, Mimi where are you?" As she answered that she was on her way, Khairi spotted her "Oh! I see you" She waved back at her

As soon as Mimi got to her, she handed her back the notes "Thank you, see you tomorrow in class"

"It's a pleasure Khairi" Not to seem rude, Mimi waved at the guy standing next to her and then turned to her heels

Khairi ignored his presence and made a move to leave "Wait!" He called out "Please just give me a minute to talk"

She released a long sigh and with an eye roll, she said "Fine" He sat back down on the bench, and she mimicked his action but kept shooting him skeptical glances. He must have noticed because he spoke with his arms raised defensively "I mean no harm"

"How would I know?" She replied, raising her wrist to check the time. He was close to her, close enough for his sandal wood with a hint of oudh fragrance to bombard her nostrils

"I'm really glad I found you, I couldn't get your face off my mind" He smiled lightly, and right there and then Khairi noticed he had a captivating, enchanting smile

Khairi rolled her eyes "What is this all about? Are you trying to waste my time?" She was getting really annoyed

"No, I was sent here to make you fall in love with me. Remember?" He winked

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