Chapter 1 "First meeting"

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This type of writing=Jian's writing
This type of writing =Thoughts

Mirabel shyly walked over you and sitted down. You looked over Mirabel and then went back to looking over the scenery of Encanto.

"Hm." Jian said nodded
Jian begin to write to the notebook and then showed to Mirabel.

"Um..Yeah..Hi..Well..It is nice to meeting you..Mirabel.


Jian nodded and then stanted up and left.

"Hey wait!" said Mirabel

Then Mirabel remembered what her mother had said to her.

Remember being carefull with Jian. She is different..but not that different. I don't want that kid go through everything that she had already. Eventhough she doesn't speak it doesn't mean she is rude. It is her way to being herself. I am pretty sure you can open her heart a little more.

Jian looked over Mirabel and then stopped. She started to write

"What is it?"

"I was just wondering if we could hangout?"

Jian furrowed her eyebrowns and then thinked about it a little. She then writed again.


Mirabel then smiled and then took your hand. It was suprising to Jian. None have ever did that to her expect her father. It was time to Jian learn to live again.

Mirabel and Jian were looking at different shops in Encanto. Of course they got looks. Some of them were suprised and some of them were digusted. Julieta was in town too and noticed her daughter. She smiled and was proud of her daughter to have courage to face you.

"Hey Jian! What do think of this?" said Mirabel and then showed some linen.

Jian nodded and gave thumbs up.

She must be really passionate about I am being samurai.

She noticed then Mirabel had brought her to some food place. Mirabel went buy something and you were waiting outside. Some kids were ready to bully you but then they noticed your hand on your katana. Mirabel came back and gave you some cheese arepas.

"Try it Jian."

Jian nodded and took a bite. The other kids started to call you and Mirabel with names.

"What a weirdo! Hanging out with that outlander! wonder..She is Mirabel Madrigal! The only one without gift! And the useless one! Four eyes!"

Jian noticed how Mirabel's face droped. You had seen how Mirabel had worked hard to get her family approval and had get it but some people didn't seem to noticed it. Jian scoffed and stood up and faced the bullies.

"What are you gonna do outlander! You are weak! There is nothing you can do!"

Jian silently said "Honō no kokyū "Ichi no kata: Shiranui " which caused fire around the bullies. This scared them and they started screaming. Jian only looked them with cold stare and eventually she stoped the flames. She started to walk way from the scene and only to Mirabel following her.

"Hey.. Jian! What was that? Do you have gift? Why didn't you tell me?"

Jian started to write again on her notebook and showed it to Mirabel.

"No..It's not a gift..It's my family's tecnique. And also my father teached for me. I been training that ever since I was a child and I don't usually use it because it is dangerous but today was emergengcy."

Mirabel smiled and then looked your outfit. It was different. And your shoes. Her mother was right. You were just silent and shy. Mirabel could see some tiredness in your eyes.

"Jian can you show your cape..? It has a intresting patern.."

Jian nodded and gave her cape to Mirabel. She started to looking at it and noticed it was broken a little bit.

"I can fix it! Let's sit to that bridge."

Jian followed Mirabel and sat down with her. She carefully sew your cape and then gave it to you.

Where the heck did she get that sewing kit from?


Jian nodded and putted her cape back on. Her eyes looked at Mirabel who looked you and smiled. Eventhough you didn't talk to Mirabel you seemed normal person. Nice even. All the rumors about you were wrong and only your hair was different but to Mirabel they reminded of flames.

Jian looked at stars since it was evening already. She looked over then Mirabel who clearly had a small sparkles in her eyes. The more Jian thought about it she came conclusion.

She wanted to speak again and the first person who she wanted to hear her voice was Mirabel.

(First chapter done📍📝. How was it? It's my first time ever to write anything on wattpad. Feel free to comment if you want to😄
Pictures are from pinterest.)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now