Chapter 17 "Calm before the strom"

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Jian and Senjuro were making bento's at their house. Senjuro looked puzled and Jian decied to ask why.

"What is on your mind Senjuro?"
"It's nothing...Just being nervous.."
"About what..?"
"It's just that..I am worried that those demons are returning to Encanto.."

Jian stopped making bento's and then thought about it.

Of course that can be the case..We don't really know..I don't want it to happen again..But this time I will make sure that I don't put anyone in danger..

"Don't worry Senjuro..That won't happen soon..It's been so peacefull.."

Senjuro nodded.

In the mean time Mirabel was swinging her new sword. It had became special for her so if her family members touch it she would become defensive about it and she only wanted the sword herself.

"Mirabel what are you doing?" asked Abuela.
"Nothing!" said Mirabel and hidded her sword behind her back.
"Like I said before..You should leave fighting for boys..So let me throw that thing away.."
"No way! Jian made it for me!"
"Does she really think that you have a talent for something like that?! You are a girl Mirabel! Her family must be so arrogant and stupid to leave that kind of job for her..She destroyed our home and it was her fault that those demons attacked!"
"Don't speak about Jian's family like that! She didn't know about those demons..or about attack..She saved us all.."
"I saw the way she looked at you..It's up no good...There is no way that I would let that kind of person to stay here in Encanto..She causes too much trouble.."
"Wait..Don't say that you are going to.."
"Yes..We I will ask her to leave Encanto and never return...We don't need a samurai in here."

Julieta who happend to walk past over Mirabel and Abuela came with very angry expression to Abuela.

"That is bit extreme mama..You can't really ask her to leave..Because she probably won't..What would you feel if someone is talking about your family like you did talk about Jian's family?..It's not nice right? Mirabel is already 20 so you can't control her life and her decisions...And that sword..It's Mirabel's right now..And must have taken a alot effort to make that.."

"I am talking about safety Julieta! Her fighting is too dangerous..And.."

"You are still going? It's about how you see her not what is inside of her! She is most thoughtful person I have ever met..Sometimes it feels like she puts others safety before her own..." said Mirabel and started to walk away from Abuela.

"Mirabel! Don't you dare walk away from me!"

Mirabel went to her nursery and thought about her Abuela..

How can she be so irritating? My own grandmother.."

"I want to see you Jian"

Jian and Senjuro were eating in their living room. Jian had thought about Senjuro's worried words about the demons...

If there is to come new demons which are stronger I don't know how much I can do..But why do I have feeling that it could happen and something bigger and stronger might attack to Encanto..

Just then Jian sensed something from her opened window..

I hope it isn't like that..

Then they heard a scream which came from plaza. Jian looked at Senjuro with terrified experission.

"Stay here! I am going to check.." said Jian and runned to plaza.

Jian runned to plaza only see the demon who she never wanted to meet again..

"Hello there Shuiro Rengoku.." said Pandora who was Lower rank 1

(I just came up with a name..)


"What are you doing here Pandora?!"
"What are you talking about Rengoku..I am here to get my revenge..for killing my brother.."
"Your brother ate multiple people! I had to do that.."
"You would never understand Rengoku..Let's see what happens when I destroy your precious home and people that you care about!"

Pandora charged to Jian and started to attack on her.

Seems like she has become stronger..No wonder she is Lower Rank 1..

"What is wrong Rengoku?! Are you this weak like your cousin Kyojuro Rengoku?! Guess that's why you guys are family.."

"Don't talk about Kyojuro like that! We see eachother strength right now! So brace yourself Pandora! I am ready!

I will protect Encanto with my life! Whatever it takes..Please father, mother, uncle and Kyojuro gave me strength to win this battle..

(Chapter 17 📝📍Picture from pinterest)

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