Chapter 39 "Talking with Senjuro"

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3 days later..

Shuiro was getting ready for her new mission with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke.

"What kind of mission do we have today?"
"It's in Swordsmith Village.."
"Really? I haven't visited there in a long time.."
"You have visited there?"
"Once..When I was learning how to make swords or fix them.."
"Then let's go!"

Shuiro waved at Senjuro who waved back.'s going to be lonely few days again..I am going to train my calligraphy and maybe clean a little bit.

Senjuro took out paper and pen and started to practice. After hearing that his mother was calligraphy teacher Senjuro himself wanted to learn it. Maybe he had a talent in that.

After that Senjuro cleaned house. He was glad that he could return to his old house after everything what had happend in Encanto. Senjuro watched old pictures of his family.

Maybe me and Shuiro can get a new picture together with Mirabel also..

Senjuro were minding of his own business until he heard a noice from outside.

Hm? What is it? They shouldn't be returning this early..

Senjuro went a look and saw Mirabel who was clearly tired from her trip to Shuiro's home.

"Senjuro! Hey..Hey.."
"What are doing here?"
"I am just..visiting.."

Senjuro helped Mirabel with her stuff. Suddenly Mirabel then kicked Senjuro's and Shuiro's door. Senjuro looked Mirabel with this face.

 Senjuro looked Mirabel with this face

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Our door...

"SO! Where is Shuiro!? I haven't seen her with you.."
" on her mission..again.."
"On mission.."
"I walked hundreds of miles, leaving my family behind and she isn't even at home!"
"I am sorry.."

Mirabel then reliazed that she had yelled to someone who wasn't a fault there.

"No..Senjuro I am sorry for yelling..It's not your fault.."
"I understand Mirabel..But..did you notice that..our door broke?"

Mirabel gaze went to their front door and she looked Senjuro with akward smile.

"Um..Sorry about that.."
"It's okay..Shuiro can fix it.."
"What mission Shuiro went?"
"It's in Swordsmith Village.."
"I see.Does she ever take a break?"
"Not really no..All though this time there wasn't a demon..She went to train with Tanjiro.."

Mirabel sighed and then asked:

"When will she return?"
"Maybe tomorrow or day after..I don't really know..Swordsmith Village is quite far away..So they have a long journey.."

Mirabel then had a sad experission on her face.

"What's wrong Mirabel?"
"Nothing..I just thought..That maybe I had too high expectations...I thought Shuiro would be here when I arrieved..But.."
"Of course Mirabel..It has been a little over a week..when Shuiro had a battle with Shin so it would been better that she would have stayed here to rest but..she insisted to go with Tanjiro,Zenitsu and Inosuke as their new teacher.."
"I like how she is so into her title but sometimes it might be too much.."
"I agree..But maybe it's because she is related to Rengoku's. Some of us feel responsibility for our title..She is like my brother.."

Mirabel thought about it. Was it good idea to come here? She had just throwed away her family and what to her comunity wanted her to be. She started to overthink. If Shuiro weren't happy for seeing her here? Shuiro had said that 'it would better you to stay at her family' but to Mirabel you were her family also..

"I know what you are thinking..What Shuiro think about this? You should have seen how she was acting. She was worried and pacing back and foward. Should she write to you? Will you be angry for her decision? She knew risks about staying in Encanto..and was worried about your safety also..Let me tell you..I haven't never seen her like that..To me that tells me she really cares about you..So don't worry..She wanted write to you but I guess she became busy again.."

Mirabel nodded to Senjuro. She liked to spent time with him and really considered him being like a little brother that she never had. Eventhough he was younger Senjuro had great advices for Mirabel.

"I talked with Shuiro..about this already..But what do you think about her last name?"

"Her last name..You mean Rengoku?"
"Yes..What would it sound like if it was your new last name?"
"What do you mean by..?"

Mirabel exploded with blushing face. Senjuro begun laughing and then smirked.

"Hear me out..Mirabel and Shuiro Rengoku..It has nice ring and it suit you.." said Senjuro.

"You are so funny..Mirabel! It would be nice to have you as my..sister.."
"I thought Senjuro that you were mature! What was that?"
"But seriously though..I would be happy that you would be with my cousin..She has gone through a lot..She deserves you and you deserve her.."

Mirabel smiled.

"Let me help with cleaning Senjuro."

After two days Shuiro returned with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke from Swordsmith Village. They looked tired and it seemed like they had a hard training.

"Shuiro-san..After this you need to rest.."
"Fine..There isn't much of do.."

Shuiro's gaze went to her front door. It was broken.

"MY Door?!"

Then her gaze went to the road. She saw Mirabel with same scary aura when she was mad at her and then she saw Haganezuka.


Haganezuka was with knife and Mirabel was with her swordhandler.

Oh..Holy Sugar Honey tea! I am so much in trouble!

Shuiro then noticed that Haganezuka was glaring at Tanjiro.

"Did someone told on me on Haganezuka? That I had broke my first sword"

Shuiro and Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu. Who had smiley and funny face until Shuiro and Tanjiro glared at him.

"Tanjiro..What do you say we train Total Concentration Breathing again?"

"That would be good idea.." said Tanjiro who was now turning around and was about to run away with Shuiro.

"Shuiro and Tanjiro! Come back here!"

"We are really sorry!" shouted Shuiro and Tanjiro and kept running until they were at Butterfly house.

"So tell me..Why you guys are here again?" asked Shinobu.

Running away by crazy swordsmith and impatient partner who I didn't know was here..

(Chapter 39📍📝)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now