Chapter 28 "The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

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Shuiro and Mirabel walked outside of Casita. Shuiro looked really depressed while holding Mirabel's sword handler.


"'t worry..I..will..make you another one..soon.."

Mirabel who noticed how hurt Shuiro was by all of this reached your free hand and rubbed it slightly.

"I know you feel bad about it..but.."

"Mirabel..It was my personal gift to you..After taking care of me after that demon army's attack...Your grandmother would be dead if my former sword maker would have made your sword..Still I feel bad about it..I put so much effort in your sword...


"I am just wondering what your Abuela is so scared about? Is it my personality or looks? Or the fact I don't have family?..Are people looking at me weirdly because they thought Senjuro is my son..?"

"Well..I first thought he was..I am sorry.."

Shuiro looked at Mirabel. Her and Senjuro's bond was strong ever since they were kids. But not that strong how Kyojuro and Shuiro were.

"It's okay..Mirabel.."

"Still Shuiro you shouldn't look down yourself! I am sure Abuela doesn't scare you..Your looks are really unique and atleast you can boast with your beautiful flame hair!"

"Yeah..right sure" said Shuiro who rolled her eyes a little.

Shuiro walked little bit further with Mirabel. She really enjoyed her company and it was such a shame that her Abuela didn't acept her. In Shuiro's mind her mother would have loved to met person like Mirabel and would have loved her as her. It was kind of sad really. Atleast Mirabel's parents loved Shuiro. Or did they? What if they were just pretending?

"Shuiro..Shuiro!" shouted Mirabel
"You were quiet for a while..What's wrong?"
"You are bad at lying..Tell me.."
"It's just that..I..really wanted my mother to met you..She would have loved you.."
"I would have loved to meet her too..Just thank her to gave the birth to you.."

Shuiro's eyes wided. None have ever said that to her. Sometimes she felt why she was born in this world only to lose her loved ones.

"I know it's sudden but.. even though you have lost your parents..You still have family.."

"Really..? Who are they then?"

"Senjuro, my family, Encanto" said Mirabel.

Shuiro looked at Mirabel and then noticed her serious but blushing face.

"I want to be part of your family too Shuiro!"

People were looking at young Madrigal but Shuiro's eyes only looked at Mirabel. She saw her detarmation and passion how she wanted her feelings to show. Only if Shuiro could do the same. Sudden rain interupted young girls and Shuiro's hair became wet.

"Aha..It's raining..I like it.." said Shuiro and looked at the sky.
"Don't be an idiot! You are soaking wet! We have to run!"

Shuiro then took of her haori and putted it on above Mirabel's head. In the same time she holded Mirabel's sword holder.

(Yes..Shuiro is taller than Mirabel..)

"Camon..then let's run!"

Mirabel watched as her loved one was getting more and more wet. They arrieved to Shuiro's home and Senjuro had made some tea for them.

"There you are Shuiro..I was getting that.." said Senjuro and then looked at Shuiro's hand.

"Senjuro could you put my haori on dry? And in the same time can you go and put Mirabel's sword handler to my blacksmith..I will go and change my clothes..Mirabel make yourself at home..and use bathroom if you want to.." said Shuiro and went to her room.

In mean time Mirabel was looking at Shuiro's home. So many pictures of her family and people she didn't know..

How Shuiro did actually lose her voice? In these pictures she looks happy..

Mirabel looked at the picture again but then noticed..

Or does she..? Such a cold experission..Nothing else..She had gone through a lot..Come to think of it..I haven't heard Shuiro laugh truly..That's it! I am going to do that..

Mirabel started to giggle by herself that she didn't notice Shuiro who was watching her laughing with a fond look on her eyes but in the same time with a little serious look.

"What are you doing?" asked Shuiro

Mirabel jumped a little. Shuiro was wearing her clean demon slayer outfit and was still drying her hair with a towel. It was first time Shuiro didn't have her hair on pony tail. Mirabel loved to see that part of Shuiro.

"Did you take a tea that Senjuro made?"

"No..I didn't.."

"Let's go then.."

Shuiro walked to her tatami and satted down to table with a tea. Mirabel did the same.

"What a day.."

Shuiro looked at the clock. It was getting quite late.

"You can stay over night if you want to.." said Shuiro.


Shuiro was quiet. She looked puzled but same time a little hesitant.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" said Shuiro and looked at the window.

"Huh? is.."

She didn't get doesn't matter..Eventhough I don't say 'I love you' directly.. I can say it in another words..

Mirabel looked at Shuiro.

Why did she suddenly say that? What did it mean?

(Chapter 28📍📝)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now