Chapter 4 "Breath in and say it"

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Jian carefully looked at Mirabel and how her wounds were healed by Julieta's food.

"Thank you Jian. Really thank you for saving my daughter." said Augustin.

Jian simply just nodded. Madrigals were amazed by your power but also little bit terrified.

"Do you have gift too Jian?" asked Pepa suddenly. She had a little cloud forming to her head.

Jian shaked her head. How could she explain this? She didn't know how to...

"It is breathing tecnique.There are many of them.Jian had been learning different tecniques from her childhood." said Senjuro

Jian nodded to Senjuro. She was not a demon slayer anymore like her cousin was before. But I had been she had been practicing still because her promise to her father...and she didn't wanted to her breathing tecniques get worse.

"Is it dangerous?" asked Julieta
"Well not really. If you had been training it for long time and you know what you are doing." said Senjuro.

It was getting late and little by little citizens returned their homes.Jian also decided to leave with Senjuro. Jian waved at Madrigals and but only got stares...Only Mirabel who had healed a little waved back.

"Did you hear what they were talking about you?"

Jian nodded.

"Aren't you hurt by those words what those villagers say?"

Jian thinked about it and then started to write

"Maybe a little. But they don't hurt me..Really..Of course its irritating..and tirening..."

Senjuro nodded and said:

"I want you to be happy too cousin Jian."

Jian nodded to her cousin. It wasn't going to be easy but she promised to get better and practice speaking from now on.

"Um........Sen..juro" said Jian quietly

Senjuro wided his eyes. It was your first words for years. It was weird but also memorable moment for Senjuro.


Two cousins stared eachother. Senjuro then hugged Jian.

"I will help you to get better."

Next day Jian and Senjuro went to buy books. Most of them were like 'how to start talk again?' or 'first steps for speaking'. The problem wasn't that Jian couldn't speak.. No. It was how low and quietly she speaked so that none could hear her. This all was suprise to Senjuro because it was so sudden. Maybe it was because you wanted change or maybe it was because of Mirabel.

"Mirabel look." pointed Camilo

Mirabel's eyes went to two cousins who were reading. Senjuro looked like he was going to teach you something.

"Alright cousin Jian.. Let's start with basic..'Hello'"

Jian nodded and then started to open her mouth

"You stuter a alot."

Jian glared at Senjuro.

"Sorry. But..It is good start cousin Jian. Small steps.Okay let's try again." said Senjuro.

Jian nodded.Mirabel watched you how you tried your best.

"How about we try Flame breathing tecniques names? You can say those out loud right?"

Jian stood up and nodded to Senjuro. She took her sword out.

Jian sighed and then said:

"Honō no kokyū San no kata: Kien Banshō"

Mirabel stared at flame which surrounded Jian.

So pretty..

Senjuro clapped and then asked:
"How you can say those names but can't say simple hello?"

Jian looked Senjuro with worried face and then shrugged her shoulders.

"Or is it because you are..."

Jian glared at Senjuro again then nodded to him to continue.

"Because you are afraid what others think about your voice.."

Jian gave Senjuro a nod. In the past many people had judged Jian's voice being too deep for a girl or other stuff.

"Hi Jian and Senjuro! What are guys doing?" asked Mirabel

"Hi Mirabel! Me and Jian practicing speaking.."

Mirabel looked you. It seemed like you were a little embarasted by it but still you had a fierce look in your eyes. You wanted to speak again really...

"How about I join you guys then?"

(Chapter 4 📍📝 Picture from pinterest!)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now