12 - Camping Trip

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sorry this chapter's lame



"When I saw camping, you say trip. Camping!........"

Ben squinted at me, "KYLER!"

"TRIP! Geez," I replied after being roughly punched in the arm, his face expectant as I glared back.

He smirked in a satisfactory way, continuing on with his annoying chant, "Camping!"

I sighed with a roll of my eyes, my voice monotone and unimpressed, "Trip..."




"Okay stop now," I urged, placing a finger against his lips to shut him up.

He knocked my hand away from him as he tossed a shirt at my face, "It'd be a shame if I decided I hated you and didn't let you borrow my clothes, now wouldn't it?"

I rolled my eyes, putting on my best 'innocent face' as I batted my eyelashes, my voice rising to a girly pitch, "Oh, why that'd just be terrible! I'd have to go camping naked and grace you all with my sexy bod, what a shame. Oh well, if you insist," I shrugged, pulling up the corners of the shirt I had on.

He quickly changed his mind, waving a hand for me to stop, "On second thought, wear my clothes! I do not need to see a naked Kyler."

"Lies, Bengy, lies," I joked, letting the shirt fit properly again as he tossed yet another one of his shirts my way and I tucked it into the duffle bag in front of me on his mattress.

We were packing for the camping trip, obviously, and as of right now, it was about 4 in the morning. I was literally about to die because of how early it was, but then again, it was peaceful outside as darkness still consumed the world and a scant amount of cars actually dared to be out and about this early. We weren't scheduled to head out until 7, but Ben and I had been slackers the whole last week of school and were just now beginning to pack. I felt like a bum, having to borrow his clothes, eat his food, and sleep on his couch for the past couple of weeks, but he didn't really seem to mind and that's something I was thankful for. He asked why I wouldn't go home, but I'd avoid the question, and after a while, he respected that I didn't want to talk about it and just went with the flow. I didn't know how long I'd be free-loading, but I had a feeling it'd be for, hmm, the rest of my mortal life while under Karen and Cory's legal care; I wouldn't go back to that house. I refused to.

"Damn," Ben said, placing his hands on his hips as he glanced around, running back and forth from his bathroom as he looked for something, "I think my brother has my mouthwash..."

"Mouthwash?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He looked distressed, "Yeah, my special camping trip mouthwash!"

"Ah, of course," I said nodding, although I had no clue what he was talking about, no sense of urgency in my voice.

"Can you go look in his bathroom for it?"

I pouted a little, "Can't you go get it?"

"Can't you help your best friend out with his mouthwash debacle while he continues nicely handing his clothing over to you so you won't have your ding-dong flopping all over the place?"

"My ding-dong does not flop," I corrected, giving him a look as I dramatically flipped my hair, "It sways."

He rolled his eyes, waving a dismissive hand at me, "I don't care if it does jumping-jacks! Just go get my mouthwash!"

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